How dangerous is the accumulation of Grease rippers in a commercial kitchen?

Very few people are aware of the fact that cooking oil itself is not flammable. One may be wondering if oil cannot catch fire how a kitchen fire starts. In a commercial kitchen, fire can catch in a myriad of ways. One of the common causes is grease vapor catching fire. When cooking oil is heated high temperature cannot result in a fire. It is because once the vapor is released it reaches the boiling point and eventually causes a fire.

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Restaurant grease trap cleaning | All In Sanitation

Properties of Grease vapor

Flashpoint of any oil refers to the temperature at which the vapor of the oil will ignite if exposed to an ignition source. The ignition source is the source of heating the oil. It can be an open fire an electric stove or a gas burner.

For the oil to reach the fire point, the source of the ignition should be hotter than the oil itself. A liquid is considered flammable if the flashpoint is less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fire point refers to the highest temperature where the oil referrals will continue burning when ignited. The oil vapor needs a continuous source of heat at a certain temperature for burning.

What happens when Grease accumulates in the vents?

When the restaurant grease trap is not cleaned regularly it results in the accumulation of grease vapor in the exhaust vent. It can cause a major problem when left unattended. Restaurant owners should always clean grease buildup in the vent. In addition to the risk of fire, the accumulation of grease in the vent or around the kitchen can also cause a host of problems. If you need professional grease trap cleaning for your commercial kitchen then visit They offer quality grease trap pumping services at affordable prices. Proffessional grease trap cleaning and inspection is always beneficial for keeping the kitchen healthy and hygienic.