How Can You Thrive In This Turbulent Situation With Time Swappers

How Can You Thrive In This Turbulent Situation With Time Swappers

“Freelancers are likely to find themselves in more demand in the future, with 47% of hiring managers more likely to hire independent professionals since the COVID-19 crisis than they were in the future”, according to new research by the experts.


“Businesses find a lot of value in flexible talent in a variety of situations,” said Upwork’s Chief Economist Adam Ozimek. “This is one of those situations. Companies are having to pivot very quickly and to quickly adapt to remote work and having to change their businesses in a variety of ways. Some of them are trying more flexible talent and finding it works, especially in circumstances where you need to move quickly and grow and scale dynamically.”

According to Yahoo Finance, there is going to be a market crash soon. In this turbulent situations, millions of people are losing their jobs, businesses are going out of business. By looking at what’s already happened, we can perhaps figure out what to look out for. After all, history repeats itself. Whenever there has been a market crash in history, job losses are inevitable.

So the question arises, “Is a 9-5 job still going to be the future of working?” Well, CNBC has answered this question with a lot of research and the answer is NO. Not just CNBC but many experts say that Freelancing is the next big thing. The survival of the fittest plays an important role in this race too. “People are turning to freelancers now, especially, to grow quickly and scale quickly,” said Ozimek.

So, what can you do?

In this Pandemic COVID19 situation where we all are stuck in our homes, this is the best opportunity to take a radical turn in our lives. This is the best opportunity to be ahead of the curve. This is the best time to start freelancing and be your own boss.

Now, there might arise a question for you, Is freelancing secured and profitable? Can it be middlemen free where you don’t need to give extra charges? Well, this depends upon the platform you are using for freelancing. Many platforms charge you 30%-40% middle man charges for using their platform. If freelancing is the need of the hour and so many platforms are taking so much of your profit, how can you survive as well as thrive?

Era Swap has come up with the solution to this problem. Time Swappers is a blockchain-based freelancing platform that just charges you 1% middle man charges from you. As this platform is based on Blockchain Technology, security is one of its core values. Unlike traditional, centralized freelancing platforms with multiple intermediary charges, you can exchange services with multiple buyers or sellers around the globe in a peer to peer manner on Time Swappers with complete transparency and security using smart contracts.

You can join Time Swappers as service seekers or service providers to avoid multiple intermediary charges, i.e, global exchanges gateway charges, bank charges, and so on that are present in existing traditional, centralized freelancing or service exchange freelancing platforms. Time Swappers would not just be your savior in these turbulent times but a booster for your future!

To list yourself as a freelancer on Time Swappers click here!

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