High-Speed Motor Elements Supplier | GEM

GEM specializes in elements such as rotors and stators for high velocity motors with pride itself to provide its customers with products recognized for their high speed, high efficiency, and high power density.


GEM stators and rotors were developed by its own research and development institute. A wide range of products is currently offered, with powers ranging from 1 kW to 400 kW and rotation speeds from 10,000 to 100,000 rpm. They can have various applications, such as high-frequency spindles and turbo blowers, turbo compressors, and electric vehicles.

As a pioneer in this field in Korea, GEM exerted its efforts toward localizing motor components that have traditionally been procured from foreign makers. Gem possesses many experts with experience working in high-profile, high-speed motor electronics and machinery fields. As a result, it can provide high-speed, highly efficient, high-capacity rotary systems that are exquisitely tailored to meet the needs of individual customers.

GEM succeeded in being the sole high-speed motor elements supplier since 2010 by producing motor elements with high-frequency spindles. Its innovative product development and consulting services exceed beyond customer expectations.

A2P-S40 GEM 2-pole Product

  • AL: The bars and end-rings in the rotor are made from aluminum, which provides an excellent balance between price and performance.
  • HD: This copper coil of the stator is filled with special resin which helps to decrease the temperature of the coils.
  • CU: The bars and end-rings in the rotor are made from copper to ensure high motor efficiency. This also allows for decreased vibrations from rotation as the shaft is thicker than those used in aluminum rotors.
  • LD: This stator is dipped into the insulation vanish. It is the most common model, which is suitable for general spindle motors.

If you are looking for high-speed motor elements supplier, you can find them at GEM.

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