Here Are Some Important Facts About Weight Gain During Pregnancy You Should Know!

Gaining weight during pregnancy is absolutely normal, and in fact, healthy for women and the baby. If you are worried about gaining too much weight, know that you’ll shed extra pounds after childbirth. To learn more about pregnancy weight gain and what’s healthy and unhealthy, consult a gynecologist and obstetrician in Thane West. In the meantime, let’s see how much weight is normal during pregnancy.

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Ideal Weight You Should Gain During Pregnancy

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to pregnancy weight gain. It depends on a number of factors, including your body mass index, weight before conceiving, and lifestyle. Here are the general guidelines for your weight gain goals for pregnancy:

  • Underweight women (BMI below 18.5) need to gain 25 to 35 pounds
  • Normal Weight (BMI above 18.5 and below 24.9) must gain 28 to 40 pounds
  • Overweight women (BMI between 25 and 29.9) must gain 15 to 25 pounds

Ideally, a pregnant woman must gain around 4-5 pounds in the first trimester followed by 1 pound each week for the rest of the pregnancy. The number doubles for those carrying twins. You need to discuss an ideal weight with your doctor if you have twins, as your weight will directly affect the baby’s development. Since twins are mostly born preterm, they need to be healthy.

What If You Are Overweight?

Overweight women are at increased risk of several health issues and pregnancy complications, like the higher risk of developing gestational diabetes, premature birth, preeclampsia, and the need for a c-section delivery. Overweight women are also advised to gain fewer pounds than normal and underweight ladies.

More research is needed in this regard, but it’s safe to gain a few extra pounds for the baby’s development. Discussing your weight goals with a gynecologist in Hiranandani Hospital, Thane and a certified nutritionist is the best way to figure out an ideal weight for your pregnancy.

What If You Gain Too Much Weight?

Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy is crucial. If you gain too much weight, there’s an increased risk of the baby weighing more than average. This increases the risk of shoulder dystocia, i.e. the shoulder getting stuck during delivery. In addition, a higher-than-normal weight during pregnancy makes it difficult to shed those extra pounds after childbirth. Likewise, there’s an increased risk of premature birth or a baby born with a less-than-ideal weight if you are underweight before pregnancy.

You might wonder where all the weight you gain during pregnancy goes. The larger breasts, placenta, increased size of the uterus, amniotic fluid, increased blood and fluid volume, and fat stores are what contribute to this weight gain.

Stay In Touch With Your Gynecologist

Your doctor will closely monitor your weight throughout the pregnancy. Although diet will do most of the work, you might also need supplements to get the required amount of nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. Some women are advised to practice at least 30 minutes of mild exercises, like walking, swimming, and yoga to stay active and healthy.

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