DME billing services

Helping Your Healthcare Practice Boost Collections and Increase Revenue

Efficiency is the key to success in any healthcare practice. Its success depends on your ability to improve your patient’s experience, avoid mistakes, and reduce costs. You can achieve these goals by having an efficient medical billing system in place. Due to the constantly changing payor policies and regulatory compliance, staying up-to-date on Durable Medical Equipment (DME) billing is a major challenge. This is the reason why healthcare professionals outsource their DME billing services.


We at Medical Billing Solutions Nationwide provide efficient DME billing services to overcome challenges, boost collections, and increase reimbursements. Here’s why MBSN is the best DME billing provider for your practice:-

  • We Follow Stringent Coding

Coding is an extremely crucial aspect of DME billing. Even a small error in the claim code or entering an outdated modifier can result in delayed or rejected claims. However, with MSBN, you can rest assured because our expert team of coders is well-versed in coding the durable medical equipment used.

  • We Aim for Denial Prevention

Did you know almost 90% of denied claims can be avoided? How? By addressing the reasons for denials! Claims can be denied owing to several reasons, including missing or incorrect information about the patient, non-covered patients, and non-covered services. To avoid these mistakes and reduce denials, we use software that enables eligibility verification while the patient is checking out at your hospital or clinic. This system effectively helps avoid denials and decreases the risk of lost revenue.

  • We Change Your Denials Workflow

Even when denials occur, many healthcare practices only rework those with the highest value. However, when added, smaller denials can lead to huge missed revenue every year. We automate the workflow with denials software to make the rework process easier. The software helps group denials with reason code and lets you view original claims side by side, significantly reducing the time spent on research.

  • We Make Payments Easier for Patients

Payments made by patients constitute a large portion of your facility’s revenue. Usually, the durable medical equipment that patients buy or rent is expensive, which affects their ability to pay. When they cannot pay, they may have to leave without obtaining the necessary care. As a result, this significantly reduces patient satisfaction.

However, you can easily remove these obstacles with the tools we offer. We ensure cash and credit payments in the point-of-service payment options. Moreover, we help set up online portals to make payments more convenient for your patients.

Hiring an in-house team for DME billing services can shift your focus from the core activities of your healthcare practice. However, outsourcing your medical billing needs to MBSN can help you have a much more efficient system for boosting collections and increasing revenue. We aim to make your job easier while reducing your claim denials and increasing your cash flow. Our specialists will streamline the process and free you of the burden of billing and collections.