Health Benefits Of Low-Carb And Ketogenic Diets

To cut carbs, or not to cut carbs? That’s the question many people have when they start their weight loss journey and learn about low-carb diets and ketogenic diets. And even if you do choose to reduce your carb intake, it can be hard to know where exactly you stand on the spectrum of low-carb versus high-carb. Withpruvit nat ketones and ketogenic (or keto) diets especially, there are so many misconceptions out there, including the idea that eating too much protein will kick you out of ketosis and that eating carbs will mean you can never go keto!


This article discusses the potential health benefits of low-carb and pruvit nat ketones, as well as how they compare to other forms of eating plans in terms of nutrition and other factors. With so many opinions out there, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction when it comes to low-carb and ketogenic diets.

Reduce Your Appetite

When you’re on a low-carb diet, it can be difficult to curb your appetite. There are times when you just want to grab a snack or head out for some pizza. If you’re trying to lose weight, though, these cravings can get in your way. Fortunately, there is an easy way to deal with them. One study suggests that ketone esters might be able to help reduce our appetites by suppressing ghrelin levels. In other words, when our ghrelin levels are suppressed, we tend to feel less hungry than we would otherwise.

Triglycerides Tend To Drop Drastically

In part, these low triglycerides are thanks to a process called ketosis. In general, going into ketosis means you are eating fewer carbs—which triggers your body to start burning fat as its primary source of fuel. When we talk about burning fat, what we really mean is that you’re using fat as an energy source. That’s because fats get broken down into smaller components, which release energy that your body can use. Every time you go into ketosis, your triglyceride levels drop significantly—and if you’re following a very low-carb diet, like Pruvit suggests (20 grams per day or less), your triglycerides will likely go below normal values. The result: More healthy fats in your blood to use for fuel!

Increased Levels Of ‘Good’ HDL Cholesterol

Pruvit Nat Keto can help increase HDL levels. This is according to a study done on mice that were fed high fat diets with either Prüvit or sucrose. Results revealed that those who were fed Prüvit had increased ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels by 20%.

Reduced Blood Sugar And Insulin Levels

When you eat a meal, your blood sugar levels increase, causing insulin to be released from your pancreas. Insulin delivers glucose (sugar) to your cells for energy. When you consume a low-carb diet or Pruvit Nat Keto drink, your body’s glucose stores are depleted, forcing it to burn fat instead. This breakdown in stored fat releases acetone (and other ketones), which can then be detected in your breath and sweat. Acetone is a known biomarker for weight loss because it can be absorbed by fat cells, which signals your brain that you need more energy.

May Lower Blood Pressure

Some studies show that low carb dieters can lower their blood pressure within just a few days, without making any changes to other components of their lifestyle. If you’re at risk for high blood pressure, or are currently taking medication to treat hypertension, it’s worth considering a low carb diet. A few days may be all it takes to see benefits in your blood pressure numbers; there’s no need to commit to a lifetime on zero carbs.

Effective Against Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, which is also known as insulin resistance, is a set of risk factors that are associated with cardiovascular disease. Risk factors include obesity (particularly fat stored around your belly), hypertension (high blood pressure), elevated fasting glucose, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol. Together, these constitute metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. People who have metabolic syndrome are more likely to develop heart disease or stroke than people who don’t have it.


Find more information relating to pruvit nat ketones, and keto friendly energy drinks here.