Grease trap cleaning services- an important activity for every commercial kitchen

Your grease trap is important for maintaining the cleanliness of your wastewater disposal system since it is designed to collect grease and other types of fatty waste to be properly disposed of. The grease waste from your facility will solidify in the trap over time; if you don’t do routine maintenance and remove this waste buildup with a grease pumping service, your company may start to encounter issues that only become worse if left untreated. The main objectives of hiring a service grease trap professional are-


Pump grease trap

FOG reduction

There are various ways to decrease the amount of fat, oil, and grease in your restaurant. Every drain where FOG can enter the drain system should have several grease traps installed. By giving employees instructions on how to properly dispose of FOG in the trash can, you may lessen the amount that goes down the drain. Many localities permit the use of hot water, surfactants, or enzymes to move FOG through the grease trap. Additionally, arranging routine maintenance with specialist grease trap cleaning services will lower the overall level of FOG.

Keeping Damage at Bay

Your company’s grease trap may suffer long-term harm and become more challenging to clean if regular maintenance is not provided. As FOG builds up, it hardens, making it more challenging to remove and lengthening the time it takes to clean your grease trap. Cooking fats, oils, and grease coat the interior of your pipes and can cause clogs or drainage problems.

What do professional restaurant grease trap cleaning services look like?

● The hardened fats, oils, and greases inside your device are all removed by pushing the grease trap. The technicians operate a truck with a huge tank on it. They use a hose to connect your grease trap to the grease tank.

● The long-lasting pumps guarantee that the gathered grease enters the tank safely.

● To remove this extra material, grease trap cleaners scrape using specialized instruments and pressured water. A processing factory receives it after all of the greases have been eliminated. Following collection, the grease is reused in a variety of sectors.

● Do you have in-ground interceptors in your commercial kitchen? In that case, the pump grease trap technicians will follow the same process. These interceptors will also be checked twice to ensure nothing is left behind.

Bottom Lines

Grease traps aid in the effective and safe operation of commercial kitchen management procedures. Owners frequently consider cleaning their own homes to save money. Cleaning grease traps by a professional is effective, regular, and secure. To know about grease trap pumping cost, visit-