get my college

Getmycollege is a one-stop shop that helps students wishing to pursue undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) studies in India and overseas choose courses and colleges with ease.

Advertisements is a trustworthy and accurate information source for more than 60,000+ schools, 3.75,000+ courses, and since its launch, more than 10+ million students have registered in its database. In the most popular educational streams, including management, science and engineering, banking and finance, information technology, animation, visual effects, gaming, and comics, hospitality, aviation, and tourism, media, films, and mass communication, design, medicine, beauty, and health care, retail, arts, law, languages & teaching, and test preparation, we provide specific information to students interested in UG/PG courses and colleges.


With the help of our site’s customised experience, which is based on their educational background and job interests, prospective students may choose courses and colleges with confidence. Aside from interacting with other users, experts, current students in colleges, and alumni groups, decision-making is empowered by easy access to detailed information on career choices, courses, exams, colleges, admission criteria, eligibility, fees, placement statistics, rankings, reviews, scholarships, and the most recent updates., which has a strong brand, gives its consumers the exclusive opportunity to use tailored features like Alumni Employment Statistics, which contain wage statistics provided by The News Portal, Common Application Form, College Compare, Alumni Employment Statistics, Campus Ambassador Programme, College Reviews, and College Predictors are just a few of the tools and solutions we offer specifically for students.

Comics; Test preparation; design; medicine, beauty, and health care; hospitality, aviation, and tourism; media, films, and mass communication; retail; and the arts, law, languages, and teaching.


A predictor is one of the most important tools for a student during the college admission process. offers two types of predictors: College Predictor and Rank Predictor. The purpose of College Predictor is to give a realistic view of colleges and courses a student can take, based on the exam score given by a student. The College Predictor takes into account changes in the exam pattern and historical cut-off trends for each college, and then gives you round-wise college cut-off predictions. The Rank Predictor is primarily designed for engineering exams. It analyses the scores given by a student and gives you the predicted percentile or rank. offers Predictive Services for 180 Exams (including State-Wide Exams Counselling) in 2022-23. has assisted nearly 3,2 lakh students in finding the best colleges according to their scores. The website has a huge content of colleges, courses and exams spread across several pages. The state-of-the-art AI-based getmycollege-com Assistant helps surface this huge data in a structured manner so that it can be easily absorbed. Students can ask any question to the assistant. The assistant will search for the best answer available on the platform and display it. If there is no answer available, the assistant will throw the question to the Ask community platform at the following link: Ask The assistant will return the question within 24 hours to the student. The assistant now offers counselling services where it looks at the student’s profile and preferences and recommends best fit colleges taking into account the students exam score, budget, location, etc. The assistant caters to over 50 million queries a year. 68% of the students rated the answers as useful. Counseling is relatively new, but so far we have helped almost 1 lakh students find the right match colleges based on their profile. Our mission is to provide you with all the information about colleges and educational institutions in Bangalore. Choosing the right college for you has never been simpler, but our easy-to-use design and vast database covers it all, from financial aid options to student reviews, facilities, and admission standards.