Genie Garage Door Openers – Your Guide to Making the Right Choice

There are a number of garage openers manufactured by the Genie Company. Most of the garage openers manufactured by them are high quality and incredibly quiet. There are openers that come with codes and unless a person is authorized, they cannot access your garage. Here is a detailed do it yourself door openers models.

  1. Direct Lift Screw Drive/Direct Lift Plus Screw Drive.

There are ranges of benefits offered by this genie garage door opener lexington ky that include:

  • It is incredibly quiet.
  • Screws are constantly in maximum strength as they are made of metal.
  • It is dependable 5 Horse Power Motor.
  • It is easy to operate as it utilizes the safe T-Beam system.
  • It is highly durable as it is well constructed.

The Direct Lift Plus Screw Drive garage system has some distinguishing features:

The direct plus screwdriver has a remote control present. The remote control also has a wireless keypad and flashlight.

Chances of theft and burglary are reduced with the presence of Genie Intellicode. Every time you activate the system, the code is changed.

  1. Power Lift Excelerator/Power Lift Plus Excelerator.

The Power Lift Plus Excelerator and the Power Lift Excelerator have a few things in common. Their functionalities include;

  • They both have the Genie Intellicode, which helps change the code every time you make access. This greatly helps to boost security in your garage. Unauthorized persons will not be able to access your garage with the presence of this code.

Some beneficial additional feature of the liftmaster garage door opener lexington ky;

  • The opening and closing of the garage has an increased speed by two times, as compared to Standard Genie Garage Door Openers.
  • The 5 Horse Power DC motor gives an ability to easily lift heavy doors.
  • It’s very convenient for any home and neighborhood due to its incredible silence.
  • It works very well in both hot and cold weather.
  • It is convenient to install on ceiling and is mountable.

The Power Lift Plus Excelerator Genie garage door systems shares all of the great features of the standard model along with these extra benefits:

  • Provides the ability to raise garage doors quietly and smoothly with the use of direct drive motor system
  • The construction with steel gives an added strength
  • Quiet operation made possible by the few moving parts available
  • Automated lighting system that is very bright
  • Safe T-B system that enables doors to reverse safely


  1. Quite Lift Belt Drive Genie garage door opener system
  • This is proven as the ideal garage door opener as it is smooth and quiet.
  • It is very durable and long lasting.
  • With the Safe T-Beam operation, it is very secure to use.
  • The genie code keeps changing the codes every time you access the garage, and this enhances safety.

While all of the above options are great options, what you choose will depend on your needs. Consider security and silence and ensure to choose the best garage opener.


Find more information relating to genie garage door opener lexington ky, and liftmaster garage door opener lexington ky here.