DNA Genetic Testing for Weight Loss

Genetic Testing For Disease in Delhi NCR

The CCMB is the only institute in Delhi NCR offering genetic testing for various diseases. The institute specializes in reproductive health, oncology, and infectious diseases, including thalassemia, a blood disease caused by several genes. The company started in India in 2013, and currently performs about 10,000 genetic tests a month. Despite its growing popularity, genetic testing for disease is not a guarantee that a patient will develop the disorder.


There are currently about 50 labs in Delhi/NCR. The cost varies from Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000. These facilities are also affiliated with some leading national laboratories, and some of the tests may need to be shipped abroad. The average price of a test depends on the type of the disease. Depending on the lab, some tests may be done in an hour or two while others may take several days.

These labs need the same permissions as the ones that test blood glucose, but the government is building more genetic testing labs in these areas. Currently, 117 districts do not have any diagnostic facilities. The department of biotechnology is building laboratories to study specific inherited diseases in the Indian population. The NIDANKendra, or the National Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genomics, will offer genetic counseling and genetic testing for patients.

To meet this need, the department of health is launching a program me for genetic referral labs and diagnostic centers. The aim of this initiative is to increase societal awareness about genetic disorders. These genetic diagnostics are based on DNA samples that a client submits by courier. The labs use these samples to identify gene mutations and other biological markers. The DNA from the sample is then amplified to look for biological markers.

The first genome sequencing for India took 13 years and cost over $3 billion. But the technology has surpassed this milestone. The GC market in Delhi NCR has increased from Rs 400 to 500 core in a few years. But the market for genetic tests in the US has yet to reach its full potential. The government is also worried about the social implications of these tests. In fact, there is a huge demand for genetic testing for disease in India.

The cytogenetic and molecular tests are a vital part of genetic testing. They can identify the presence of certain diseases and the risk of developing them. The forensic tests are not widely available, and a lack of access to these services is one of the main challenges. However, the forensic services of DNA analysis are important in many ways. For example, they can identify biological relationships between two people. This type of diagnostic testing is most commonly used for identifying crimes.