DNA Genetic Testing for Weight Loss

Genetic Testing Company in India

Rising knowledge, enhanced technology and increased awareness among medical practitioners around the globe have contributed significantly to the rise of so many genetic testing firms around the globe. Nowadays, India is not too far behind this rising popularity. Many cancer genetic testing laboratories in India offer a variety of comprehensive genetic tests to their customers.

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Next generation sequencing (NGS) and other genetic technologies like Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are being utilized in India with great success. The government of India is also proactively supporting the growth and development of the nation’s genetic resources and its related technologies. Many cancer genetic laboratories in India offer next generation sequencing services to their global customers.

Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) and whole genome sequencing are some of the technologies being employed by these DNA labs. Next generation sequencing and other genetic technologies are used for the purpose of whole genome sequencing. This is a highly complex process involving repeated measures of DNA sequence or DNA fragments from either an actual individual human cell or from an animal or plant cell. Whole genome sequencing offers a high level of resolution on the relative positions of the bases of the genetic material. Due to the complexity involved, this procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis in doctors’ offices or clinics.

Many organizations are now offering DNA testing menu to their global customers through the internet. DNA testing companies offer various DNA testing menu at their web sites. These DNA testing menu prices vary from one company to another. Many companies also offer customized DNA testing menus for various types of DNA test probes. Some companies also offer DNA test menu to their international customers who have DNA samples from diverse countries.

There are various DNA testing companies that conduct genetic testing on different types of diseases like blood, saliva, and breast, prostate and cervical cancer. There are clinical genetic tests for many life threatening diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and heart disease. There are also home DNA testing kits for the purpose of analyzing the DNA obtained from saliva samples. These DNA samples can be collected from the various parts of the body which are less often contaminated with blood and saliva samples. The analysis of DNA obtained from the mouth tissue has proved to be very successful in the recent times.

The DNA testing companies conduct various types of DNA tests like Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing. The international customer can choose any of these tests depending on their requirements and budgets. The DNA testing methods are developed by keeping in view the advantages and disadvantages of each method.