Genetic Fitness Test – A New Way to Think About Your Fitness

At the stroke of midnight, when the clock struck 12, you and your friend made a fitness resolution for the New Year! You both decided to shed some weight to flaunt your body by the time it’s summer.


And now, it’s the high peak of summer, and while your friend is attending all those pool parties, flaunting that six-pack abs, you are still trying to lose that chubby weight around your waist.

But you are confused, what went wrong?

You both woke up early in the morning, ran 7 kms every day, did some heavy lifting in the gym, and ate healthy food. But now he is fit, and you are still struggling!

Sounds familiar?

Can you blame your genetics, or do you still think it’s an excuse?

The answer to both questions: Yes.

Fitness Comes from Genes?

It can be challenging to start a fitness journey and entirely frustrating if you do not see the desired results even after working for so long. Whether you are striving to lose weight or gain muscle mass, you must know where to start. And this is where the genetic fitness test comes into the picture.

Everyone is completely different from one another. The uniqueness in each human is because of the DNA. Your genes determine your body’s makeup. For example, they determine factors for your body’s metabolic rate, endurance and how faster you recover from an injury.

You need to create a fitness plan formulated on your genes. When you fully understand your genes and how your environment affects them, you can create a fitness plan depending on your genes and your body’s needs. A personalized fitness plan based on a genetic fitness test will give you desired results faster, which may encourage you to strive for optimal health.

Genes, Fitness and Diet are Linked

We know that eating right and exercising more is the best way to attain your fitness goals. But everybody reacts differently to diet and nutrition. Also, some people get results quickly from one form of exercise, while others may have to work harder on the same set of exercises.

For example, some people are born with a higher metabolic rate. As a result, they can quickly shed fat and lose weight easily. However, if you face the problem of losing weight faster, it could be due to a slowing resting metabolic rate. Genetic Screening of genes related to metabolism & weight loss provides you with this information so that you can adjust your fitness plan according to your body’s needs.

So, how can you start your fitness journey without knowing the direction and the process to reach your target?

The genetic fitness test helps you understand your body as a whole. When it comes to the type of exercise you should be performing, the genetic fitness test will provide you with the right information. The genetic fitness test results will enable you to know whether cardio or weight lifting suits you the best.

In addition, your body may also be intolerant or allergic to some type of food. Holistic genetic testing for disease will also tell you what kind of food you should refrain from to achieve the health you are striving for.

For instance, APOA2 is a gene responsible for your body’s response to saturated fat intake. It plays a role in insulin sensitivity, fat metabolism and obesity. Certain variations are linked with a higher (more negative) response to a diet high in saturated fats. There is also a likelihood of developing obesity.

You could start by nixing saturated fats from your diet. Then, put your efforts towards high-intensity workouts rather than cardio. Introduce polymerics strength and conditioning HIIT routines. A healthy diet will result in the shedding of weight and even keeping it off.