Fuss over A Slip &Fall – What You Can Do

A serious fall can set you back weeks/months in a hospital, a huge amount of medical expenses and lost wages. Unfortunately, your plight does not end here. You may have to walk on a crutch for several weeks/months and in the worst case, until your last breath. You may find it difficult to sit and sleep and need long-time physical therapy for recovery. Added to this list of plights is mental trauma that most patients experience after grave injuries.


Do you have liability insurance? If yes, you are in luck. You are entitled to a claim for your medical expenses and other bills if the owner of the property, where you were injured after a slip and fall, is responsible for your suffering.

Work together with a premises liability/negligent security attorney in Boyton Beach to decide what to do after a fall.

Steps to Take after a Fall

After a fall, you should always think about receiving immediate medical attention, especially if you broke a bone, stuck your head, find it difficult to move a limb, or are still experiencing pain in your spine. Sometimes, injuries don’t show up immediately after a fall, rather surface after a few days. About 20% of people suffer a serious injury after a fall. Therefore, you should never take your injuries lightly even if it causes not much of trouble.

The moment you receive medical treatment, the process of filing a claim starts. If the property owner contributed to your fall and injury through his or her nonchalance towards maintenance, it will be considered an act of negligence. In that case, a premises liability clam allows you to recoup your medical bills and other related expenses.

Whom You Should Report A Trip-&-Fall To?

First, you should bring your fall and injury to the attention of the property owner. However, as receiving medical attention is your priority, you should ask a family member or a friend to report the accident. If you take some time for recovery, you can report the accident at a later date. But remember that every state has a time deadline (statutory period) for filing a claim and the last date must not be missed.

An official report should be filled out by a landlord, a building manager or a store owner. The report is a confirmation of the accident and the property owner knew it. A ‘slip and fall’ report is just like a police report after a car crash. You can also request for a copy so that you can review it.M

An Attorney Can Help You

Not all slip and fall incidents have enough merits for a compensation claim. Only a lawyer can tell if your accident is worth a valid premises liability claim. The lawyer can explain all the options available in your case. He or she is the right person to fight your case in the court or during out-of-the-court settlement. All these depends on the right kind of Attorney you choose.