fly thru bird feeders

Fly Thru Bird Feeders: Are They the Best Choice for Your Backyard? Tips, Tricks, and Benefits

Are you curious about fly thru bird feeders and wondering if they might be the best choice for your backyard? These feeders offer a unique and effective way to attract a variety of birds. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of fly thru bird feeders, share actionable tips for setting them up, and provide advice on maintaining them. With simple language and relatable examples, we aim to appeal to bird enthusiasts of all experience levels.


Why Choose Fly Thru Bird Feeders?

Easy Access for Birds

Fly thru bird feeders are designed to provide easy access for birds, allowing them to swoop in, grab a bite, and fly away quickly. This open design is particularly attractive to shy or cautious birds who prefer not to stay long at the feeder.

Versatility in Attracting Birds

Because of their open structure, fly thru bird feeders can attract a wide variety of bird species. Whether you’re hoping to see colorful finches, lively chickadees, or elegant cardinals, these feeders provide an inviting spot for them to dine.

Less Mess and Easy Maintenance

One of the practical benefits of fly thru bird feeders is that they often create less mess compared to other feeder types. Seeds and food are less likely to spill out, and cleaning is usually straightforward thanks to the simple design.

Setting Up Your Fly Thru Bird Feeder

Choosing the Right Spot

Location is key when setting up your fly thru bird feeder. Place it in a quiet area of your yard where birds feel safe from predators. Ideally, the feeder should be near trees or bushes, giving birds a quick escape route if needed.

Installing the Feeder

Securely mount your feeder at a height that deters ground predators like cats. A height of five to six feet off the ground is typically effective. Ensure the feeder is stable and can withstand the weight of birds landing and taking off.

Filling the Feeder

Fill your fly thru bird feeder with a mix of seeds to attract a variety of birds. Black oil sunflower seeds are a popular choice due to their high fat content and appeal to many bird species. Mixing in some nyjer seeds or peanuts can also help attract different types of birds.

Tips for Maintaining Your Fly Thru Bird Feeder

Regular Cleaning

Keeping your feeder clean is essential to prevent the spread of disease among birds. Empty the feeder and wash it with a mild soap and water solution every few weeks. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry completely before refilling.

Monitoring Food Levels

Regularly check the food levels in your feeder and refill as needed. During peak feeding times, such as winter or migration periods, you may need to refill the feeder more frequently to keep up with the demand.

Protecting Against Pests

Fly thru bird feeders can sometimes attract unwanted visitors like squirrels. To deter them, use squirrel baffles or place the feeder in a location that’s difficult for squirrels to reach. Offering foods that squirrels are less interested in, like safflower seeds, can also help.

Benefits of Open Bird Feeders

Attracting a Variety of Birds

Open bird feeders, like fly thru bird feeders, provide a versatile feeding option that can attract a diverse range of bird species. The open design is welcoming to many types of birds, from small songbirds to larger species.

Easy Monitoring

The open structure allows you to easily monitor the food levels and the condition of the feeder. This makes it simple to keep track of when the feeder needs to be refilled or cleaned.

Creating a Bird-Friendly Environment

Open bird feeders can be a central part of a bird-friendly habitat in your yard. Complement them with other features like birdbaths and native plants to create an inviting environment for birds.

Attracting Birds to Your Fly Thru Bird Feeder

Offering a Variety of Foods

To attract a wide range of birds, offer a variety of foods in your feeder. Seeds, nuts, and even fruit can draw different bird species. Experiment with different types of food to see what attracts the most birds in your area.

Providing Water

Birds need water for drinking and bathing. Adding a birdbath near your feeder can make your yard even more attractive to birds. Ensure the water is clean and fresh, especially during hot weather.

Creating Shelter

Birds are more likely to visit a feeder if they feel safe. Plant native trees and shrubs to provide natural cover and nesting sites. This will help birds feel more secure and encourage them to visit your feeder more frequently.

Enjoying the Benefits of Bird Watching

Educational and Fun

Watching birds can be both educational and fun. Keep a bird guide handy to identify different species and learn about their behaviors. Bird watching can be a great hobby for individuals and families alike.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Spending time observing birds can be incredibly relaxing. The sights and sounds of nature provide a soothing escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Set up a comfortable spot near your feeder to enjoy this peaceful pastime.

Supporting Local Wildlife

By providing a reliable food source, you’re helping local bird populations thrive. This is particularly important during harsh weather conditions when natural food sources may be scarce.

Final Thoughts

Fly thru bird feeders are an excellent choice for anyone looking to attract a variety of birds to their yard. With their easy access, versatility, and low maintenance, they provide a perfect feeding solution for both birds and bird watchers. By following these tips and maintaining your feeder, you can create a welcoming environment for your feathered friends and enjoy the beauty of bird watching right from your own backyard.