Five things to keep in mind if your house catches a fire

A fire can break out anywhere and anytime, because of unexpected reasons such as a short circuit, a kitchen accident, or even a lightning strike. If you ever face a situation where the building you are living in or working in catches fire, you will need to act fast. Here, we shall look at a few things that you must keep in mind in such a situation.

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Try to contain the fire:

One thing that you can do is close the door, and shut the windows of the room where the fire is located, as this will help in containing it. This also ensures that the fire has a limited supply of fuel, oxygen, and heat. Make sure that the essential components that keep the fire burning are cut off.

Try to get help:

If getting out seems difficult, you will need to get attention from outside. Open your window or go to the balcony and shout for help, you can also throw things below. firefighter gear store online are trained for being able to look for signs of people who might be in need of help. Remember that fire on nearby floors can cause smoke to funnel in through your open window. This is why it is wise to hang a wet towel or sheet in the window, as this is going to decrease the amount of smoking getting in.

Check the doors:

While you are opening the door to another room, make sure to check it for heat.

Get yourself wet:

If possible, take a quick shower while you are still dressed before you try to make your way out. This is going to make it easier for you, as your clothes will not catch fire.

Don’t ignore fire alarms:

We know that all fire alarms may not be real, but don’t make the mistake of ignoring a fire alarm. Assume all of them are real. If you are looking for a shop for fire fighting equipment, you can contact Pops Leather Works. A trustworthy firefighter gear store will provide you with the best fire equipment and safety gear that you are looking for.