Five effective ways in which you can get rid of back pain

Back pain can be caused by multiple factors, such as arthritis, nerve damage, lifting something a little too heavy, or bending the wrong way. It can be quite frustrating, and therefore, here we shall look at some ways through which you can deal with it.


Ice and Heat

Regular application of ice to the painful areas. You can try this several times a day for around 20 minutes each time. You can wrap the ice pack in a thin towel to protect your skin. After a few days, you can apply heat in the same area. This will relax the muscles and improve blood flow.

Consider a new mattress

Is your bed too old? The average life span of a mattress is around 10 years. If you see that your mattress is sagging significantly, and is more than six years old, you should consider buying another one.

Physical therapy

You can see a massage therapist Tulsa OK, who will help you with stretches to manage your back pain. They will also teach you exercises that will help in correcting any imbalances that might have caused the pain in the first place. Depending on the causes as well as the severity of the back pain, some other treatment techniques might also be needed.

Spinal injections

If your pain is too extreme, you may want to consider a spinal injection to reduce your back pain. Spinal injections are of various kinds. Talk to your doctor about which one is the best for you, and how many do you need.

Massage therapy

According to a study, even if you go to day spa Tulsa OK once in a week,it can help you a lot even if you suffer from chronic back pain. However, it is recommended that you ensure that it is performed by a licensed specialist.

If you want a qualified waxing Tulsa Ok, you can get in touch with The Path to Wellness. They provide various other services such as acupuncture, spa packages as well as other body treatments.