eye problem types, symptoms, causes, and prevention: Sanchomee Herboveda

Eyes are the most important and one of the most complex sense organs of our body. They help us in visualizing objects, light, colours and depth perception. Our eyes are like a camera lens, they help us see objects when light comes from outside source. The human eye is roughly 2.3 cm in diameter and is almost a spherical ball filled with some fluid.

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It consists of the following parts:

  • Sclera: The outer covering, a protective tough white layer of the eye.

  • Cornea: The front transparent part of the sclera. Light enters the eye through the cornea.

  • Iris: A dark muscular tissue and ring-like structure behind the cornea.

  • Pupil: A small opening in the iris, it controls the amount of light that enters the eye.

  • Lens: A transparent structure behind the pupil, it becomes thin to focus distant objects and becomes thick to focus nearby objects.

  • Retina: A light-sensitive layer that consists of numerous nerve cells and converts images formed by the lens into electrical impulses.

  • Macula: A small central area in the retina that allows us to see fine details clearly.

  • Optic nerve: It connects the eye to the brain and carries the electrical impulses formed by the retina to the visual cortex of the brain.

  • They are of two types.

  1. Cones: Nerve cells, which are sensitive to bright light and help in detailed central and colour vision.

  2. Rods: Nerve cells, which are sensitive to dim lights and help in peripheral vision.

· Vitreous: Clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye


Eye problems


People do experience temporary eye problems from time to time, including itching, blurriness, or fatigue. Most of these problems are short-lived and probably go away on their own with no complications. However, sudden eye problems those last for more than a couple of days should be checked by an eye doctor, because they can lead to a permanent loss of vision.


Some common issues are:-


A) Cataracts

A degenerative form of eye disease in which the lens gradually becomes opaque and vision mists over.

B) Keratoconus


A disease in which the cornea becomes thin and cone shaped.


C) Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes swells the retina causing blurring, flashes, floaters, pain and pressure.


D) Macular Degeneration


Tissue breakdown the growth in the macula and makes it hard to see faces, read, drive and impact other activities.


E) Refractive Errors


Here the light rays does not bends (refract) and land on your retina to make its way to the brain.


F) Glaucoma


It occurs when a build-up of fluids in the eye creates pressure which damages the optic nerve.


G) Presbyopia


The loss of the ability to clearly see close objects or small print.


H) Eye floaters


They are tiny spots or specks that float across the field of our vision.

I) Dry eyes


A when tear glands cannot make enough tears or produce poor quality tears.


II) Tearing


Here eyes produces too many tears and are particularly sensitive to light, wind or temperature changes.

Causes of Eye Problems

  1. Infection, allergy, vitamin deficiency, chemical irritants, genetics and smoking are the main causes.

  2. Due to age, heredity, high expose of UV rays and deficiency of Vitamins E, C, B and proteins can cause cataract which can invite many other eye problems.

  3. Issues like diabetes, age related muscular degeneration and glaucoma affect the eyes and cause irreversible nerve damage and vision loss

  4. Certain medications and anti-depressants can cause eye issues as a side effect.

Symptoms of Eye Problems


Symptoms sometimes emerge in childhood or at a later stage of life. They can get worsen over time and may require medical help.

  • Severe eye pain and headache

  • Cloudy and double vision

  • Eye redness with swelling

· Light sensitivity

· Change in vision, blurred vision or sudden loss of vision

· Floaters and Flashes

· Watery and red eyes

· Night Blindness

· Dry Eyes

· Sore or tired eyes

· Difficulty focusing on a book or computer


Preventive Measures for Eye Problem


Good vision helps us perform well, no matter where we are at home, work or behind the wheels. It’s necessary to follow some preventive measures to make sure our eyesight functions at its best.

Some tips to help maintain good eye health are;


i) Reduce consumption of alcohol and smoking.

ii) During bright sunny days, wear sunglasses.

iii) Spend less time on electrical gadgets.

iv) Get your eyes tested every two years.

v) Maintain body sugar levels and monitor your weight.

vi) Consume more green leafy vegetables.


Our eyes and vision are affected by factors like; genetics and age, but by maintain a healthy lifestyle and eating a good balanced diet that contains antioxidants-rich foods can contribute significantly to the health of the eyes. Plus adding a small amount of dietary supplement in our schedule will help us receive the essential nutrients which our body is currently lacking.


One such health supplement is ‘Augen Capsule, a unique formulation that is specially designed for eye care. It is really very effective and is prescribed by doctors to people who spend massive of their time in front of the screen. The capsules reduce watery eyes, itchiness, redness, improves vision, protects eyes damage from UV light or screen/gadgets/mobile and provides strength to eye muscles. With best quality plant extracts of Marigold, Turmeric, Green Tea, Carrot, Fennel, Grape Seed, Ginko Biloba, Licorice, Daruharidra and Triphala the capsules help improve eyesight and maintain healthy eyes as we turn old.