Enter The Gym After You Are Thorough with The Terms Your Personal Trainer Will Use

There is no need to look into the abyss when your fitness coach uses complicated gym terms. It is because with the advent of the internet it has become easy to search for meanings of any terms. However, finding all the words used in workout training is still a difficult task. So, we have come up with a solution to make you easily understand the terms used by your personal trainer Boca Raton. Keep reading to know more about the common terms you will come across when you go for personal training.

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Three Common Terms Used By Your Private Personal Trainer

Aerobic Exercise Or Even Cardio

Many times you will often hear people talking about cardio exercises. However, it is nothing but an aerobic exercise that focuses on body energy. These exercises aim to use up the oxygen produced by your body for different activities. In this way, aerobic exercises will help you continue the fitness training coach Boca Raton for prolonged periods without feeling drained out.

Anaerobic Exercise For Increasing Speed

Have you ever felt that any of the exercises are beyond your capacity? These exercises are nothing but anaerobic exercises which exceed your heart rate and are only done for short intervals. Such exercises if the gym trainer Boca Raton continues for a long duration can harm the body. Therefore to get the maximum benefits, these exercises are done for a short duration.

Boot Camp or The Toughest Training

Boot camp training is designed for those who want to undergo military-like training. It is the toughest of all but worth it for those who have set fitness goals. The exercises involved in it are useful for improving the strength and flexibility of the body. Like any other exercise, this too starts with a basic simple exercise like running.

These three are the usual terms you will come across from your fitness coach. Every gym trainer will have a set of exercises under each category and will plan as per your body type. However, they will always start with the basic exercises to avoid over-exertion on the body. So, now you are all prepared to hit the gym without worrying about complex terminologies.