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Engineering community is platform that Empower Engineers to share, learn and explore new product. The community created for and by Engineers where WE invite you to ask, share information & ideas & help Engineers to solve their day to day problems by comments / suggestions.

Terms and conditions :

1. We may revise these Terms from time to time. The changes will not be retroactive,
2. You can use the Services only if you agree to form a binding contract with Engineering community
3. To create an account you provide data including your name, email address and/or mobile number, and a password.
4. You have choices about the information on your profile, such as your education, work experience, skills, photo, and country.
5. We use your data to provide, support, personalize and develop our Services
6. You are responsible for your use of the Services and for any Content you provide, including compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You should only provide Content that you are comfortable sharing with others.
7. Any information you include on your profile and any content you post or social action (e.g. likes, comments,) you take on our Services will be seen by others.
8. Others may post or write comments on your profile.
9. You may end your legal agreement with Engineering community at any time by deactivating your accounts and discontinuing your use of the Services.

Engineering community is platform that “Empower” Engineers to share, learn and explore new product. The community created for and by Engineers where WE invite you to ask, share information & ideas & help Engineers to solve their day to day problems by comments / suggestions.

The India Cements Ltd is is the largest producer of cement in South India and one of the Top 5 cement companies in India. India Cements has reached the public all over the world with its big bash IPL Team – Chennai Super Kings.

The India Cements Ltd was established in 1946 and the first plant was setup at Sankarnagar in Tamilnadu in 1949 . Since then it has grown in stature to ten plants spread over Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. The total cement capacity of the Group is 15.5 mtpa