Dr. Eun Um Serves Two Terms at U.S. EPA

Dr. Eun Um, president and CEO of AMSTAT Consulting,has been reappointed as a U.S. EPA’s Human Studies Review Board (HSRB) member for a second term.

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Palo Alto, CA, USA, April 27, 2022 – Dr. Eun Um, president and CEO of AMSTAT Consulting, was initially appointed to serve a three-year term as a U.S. EPA’s Human Studies Review Board (HSRB) member and was reappointed for a second term. The HSRB is a federal advisory committee. The HSRB reviews and comments on all proposed and completed third-party research.

Dr. Um has a doctorate from Columbia University and master’s degrees from Stanford and Columbia Universities. Her professional experience includes designing and managing clinical trials at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Um has published numerous books and papers and is known for her contributions to a wide range of statistical analyses.

Dr. Um said, “It is such an honor.” Dr. Um is among the most promising experts in Silicon Valley.

Katherine Doyle, 5-star Manta Review said, “We were delighted with AMSTAT Consulting as an editor, statistician, advisor, and companion. We can highly recommend their work ethic. Their perfectionist approach resolved my fears of writing my dissertation, and I can assure everyone who contemplates working with them: You will be pleased with the final product. It is wonderful to work with those who are so consistently reliable, have a genuine interest and in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, and have a way with words. They are very talented.”

About AMSTAT Consulting

AMSTAT Consulting provides statistical consulting. Its principals have doctorates in statistics from Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and MIT. A global marketing firm hired their statistical consultants to examine the effect of marketing strategy on sales performance. In conclusion, marketing strategy significantly and positively affected sales performance (β=0.67, p<0.05). They performed a regression analysis. For more information please visit, https://www.amstatisticalconsulting.com/.