Chromosome Blood Test During Pregnancy

Doubts about NIPT Test Resolved

What Is Non invasive Prenatal Testing?


An expecting mother has so many questions about their unborn baby. The NIPT test can answer some of your questions. Non-invasive prenatal testing analyzes whether your baby is at risk for certain genetic conditions, including Down syndrome. The NIPT test can reveal if your baby has one of those conditions.

If a pregnant mother gets a positive result from the NIPT test, it proves that your baby has a particular genetic condition. To have certainty regarding the genetic abnormalities, you have to follow up with diagnostic testing. Some of the parents want as much information as possible about their unborn baby, while others do not. Knowing the benefits and limits of non-invasive prenatal testing can help you decide whether you want to undergo the test.

How Is NIPT Done?

We all know that DNA carries genetic information to the unborn baby. DNA is a part of every human cell, and tiny bits of DNA circulate in the blood. When you’re pregnant, you carry these tiny bits of your baby’s DNA known as cell-free fetal DNA or cffDNA.

Molecular diagnostic company researchers can take a sample of your blood and analyze the DNA for evidence of certain genetic conditions. Since the NIPT test is a simple blood test, it doesn’t pose a risk for your baby.

What Can NIPT Tell You?

The NIPT test is most often used to screen for trisomy. Typically, chromosomes come in pairs, but when a baby has three copies of a particular chromosome, it is known as a trisomy.

The most common example of trisomy in the newborn is Down syndrome or trisomy 21. Non-invasive prenatal testing helps to find out for Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) and Edward syndrome (trisomy 18). The NIPT/NIPS Test Cost in India is minimal and thus can be done by most pregnant mothers.

NIPT is quite accurate for Down syndrome and trisomy 18, but doctors usually consider certain diagnostic testing for confirmation. If the NIPT test is positive, you can go for an amniocentesis test that involves sampling the fluid inside the uterus. Genetic abnormalities can be confirmed with chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Both of these procedures are considered invasive and might carry some risk, and therefore some mothers do not opt to use them.

Expecting mothers should know that no screening or testing procedures can guarantee that their baby will have no health problems. Non-invasive prenatal testing doesn’t screen for several conditions that may affect your baby. Therefore, you have to undergo certain other tests and screening procedures to find out about the other genetic abnormalities.

Who Should Have NIPT?

Every pregnant woman for at least ten weeks can avail of non-invasive prenatal testing. After that, this test is not necessary, but doctors advise every pregnant mother to undergo a NIPT test. Mothers who are at an increased risk of a certain genetic disorder should definitely undertake the test. Women who are considered high risk if they are above the age of 35 or if they already had a previous child with certain genetic abnormalities should undertake this test.

The NIPT test may not work well for mothers in certain situations because some of the conditions in the mother’s body can affect or interfere with getting accurate test results. But most of the time, the NIPT test presents accurate and definitive results.