Personalized Genetic Testing Lab in India

DNA Testing for Fitness – Fad or Fab?

I am not a fitness freak, never have been. Just the thought of waking up early in the morning and going for a run is a nightmare for me. So, you can imagine what I said to the doctor during my annual health checkups, when he said that I need to reduce my weight.


“Yeah, so, I gained a few pounds over the holidays. But that should not be a cause of concern!! After All, what are a few pounds in a healthy Punjabi girl” I said.

The doctor replied,” Well, those pounds do matter, if you are at the right side of your 30s and suffering from high blood pressure”. “So now, off you go and come back with reduced weight”.

To be honest, I have tried my hand at every diet and fitness trend, only to see no visible results. Then a few months ago, I came to know that Genetic DNA Testing for Fitness might be the answer to my problems.

As I started to dig deeper, I found out that our DNA holds the answers to our health’s most burning questions. “From what kind of diet will suit me to what type of exercise should I do” our genes can reveal all.

How DNA Testing for Fitness Works

Every person receives two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Our DNA contains all significant information. They have unique info on what makes us (the way we are). DNA Genetic Testing Lab tests an individual DNA and provides detailed information on what polymorphism of genes an individual has. It also tells how a person metabolizes vitamins, macronutrients, and minerals.

We cannot change our DNA, and thus the test result is always the same, unlike the blood test, which can be manipulated if you are on your best behaviour before the test. Therefore, these test results are 99 percent accurate.

DNA Genetic Testing Lab report can provide us information on why people choose their food (like sugar, salt, and coffee). How can a person lose weight, and what genes support him to get fit? Our speed and endurance capabilities, obesity and weight loss or regain factors can all be found via this.

How Genes are the best indicators for Your Health

Personalized Genetic Testing has been recognized as the scientific method of preventive care. When you identify the risk, you tend to become more cautious. The test reveals what type of food habit you should avoid or which are off-putting for your body (sensitive or allergic). The test tells you whether you are eating the right type of diet to maintain your fitness. In case you are not, you can alter the diet to reach your goal.

Educating yourself about your genetic information unlocks the health potential that can help you make informed health decisions about your goals, dietary habits, fitness, nutrition, lifestyle and weight management.

So, if you are struggling with health issues despite doing all the right things in terms of fitness, Personalized Genetic Testing can help you clear any doubts that stand between you and optimum wellness.

Genetic testing for fitness is also extremely crucial when it comes to nutritional deficiencies and supplementation. It reveals how your body responds to various vitamins and minerals. So, next time, when you pop a dose of a certain vitamin, think beforehand if the pill will do any wonders for your body.

Genes Response to Workouts

Have you ever wondered why your friend loses weight easily whereas you take double the time to lose the same amount of fat? We can find these answers by examining our DNA.

ACTN3 gene polymorphisms have been linked to how a person responds to exercise. If the DNA Genetic Testing Lab report shows a low response, then it means that the person will be required to focus more on diet control to lose weight.

Studies have discovered that following a genetically matched workout plan can deliver up to three times better results. The reason behind this is that your genetic makeup determines which workout you respond best to. If you fail to follow your genetically inclined exercises, you may also become prone to some injuries.

Personalized Genetic Testing also provides us information about weight loss regain, aerobic capacity and weight-loss response to exercise. All this information can help devise a personalized training plan. A tailor-made plan can help you maximize your time and output in fitness centres and gyms.

So, if you have been wondering whether you should take the genetic test for fitness, I say you should go for it. For any fitness journey to begin, you should have a clear-cut idea as to what will work and what may not work in favour of you.

DNA Genetic Testing Lab arms you with the info about your genes, which you can use to gain insights about your metabolism, diet, workouts, and food sensitivities. Afterall, you may not be there yet, but you will be closer to your goals than you were yesterday!!