dino game

Dino Game: Reveal secrets that have never been revealed

Dino Game is an endless running game composed by Google Chrome. It will take you back to exploring the glorious age of dinosaurs…

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Story of Dino Game

Dino Game is a web browser game that can be played when you lose your internet connection on google. It will help you return to the prehistoric world, a time when humans had not yet appeared, where there were only dinosaurs and endless deserts.

This simple but fun addictive game takes you to a setting millions of years ago, where you control a pixelated dinosaur, running non-stop to escape various obstacles and earn points.

How to Play Dino Game


Use spacebar or up arrow: jump up
down arrow: bend down


These prickly plants dot the landscape and can end your journey if you collide with them. Timing your jumps is crucial to avoid these hazards.

These flying reptiles swoop down from above, posing an aerial threat to your dino. You must jump or climb to avoid their grasp and continue your run.

Score ranking

The Chrome Dinosaur Game doesn’t have an endpoint; instead, it measures your progress in points. Your score increases as you cover more ground and successfully evade obstacles.
Impressively, the game’s scoring system can reach a maximum level of 17 million years, with the highest level people achieving being 99,999.
However, there’s a twist – when you reach 700 points, the game screen will turn black and white again when reaching 1400.

Tips to win Dino Game

  • Perfect Your Timing: Hone your timing skills, ensuring you jump precisely when an obstacle is about to impede your path.
  • Calm Under Pressure: As the pace intensifies, it’s easy to succumb to panic, leading to costly errors. When you embark on your T-rex Runner adventure, remain composed, concentrated, and collected to make sound decisions.
  • Regular Practice: Just like any other skill. Dedicate time to regular practice sessions with the Dinosaur Game to fine-tune your abilities and outpace your previous performances.
  • Set Realistic Goals: In Dinosaur Game, focus on surpassing your personal best scores; gradual progress will elevate your gaming skills over time.
  • Jumping Techniques: Know when to execute short hops to clear low barriers and when to muster those high leaps to conquer towering obstacles.

Interesting Secrets About Dino Game

Achieve a large number of players

Google has revealed that T-rex runner has more than 270 million players per month at the present time. Proving the game’s undeniable appeal to the whole world

You can play online

Previously you would find the game when Google Chrome lost internet connection, but you can play it whenever you want simply at: https://dino-game.org/

Classic Pixel Graphic

The Dinosaur Game sports classic pixel art, reminiscent of early video games. This retro design adds to its charm and evokes a sense of nostalgia for players who grew up with pixelated graphics.

Variations and Special Versions

The T-rex runner has seen various special versions released on different occasions, such as the Google Birthday version and Olympic-themed editions. These variations provide fresh challenges and themes for players to enjoy.

How is the game created?

Dino Game, in September 2014, the Chrome user experience team, including Edward Jung, Sebastien Gabriel, and Alan Bettes, created the game Dino. Especially, this charming character goes by many names – Dinosaur Game, Chrome Dino Game, T-rex Runner, and the uniquely coined Lonely T-Rex.

The team aims to recreate the frustration of losing an internet connection by transporting players to a tranquil pre-dinosaur era desert landscape. In short, It’s a space where boredom transforms into captivating entertainment.


The Dino Game is more than just a simple browser game; it’s a testament to the timeless appeal of straightforward, addictive gameplay and classic pixel art.

Don’t fret; embark on a journey to the past with the Dino Game and unearth its hidden secrets while you run endlessly through time. How far can you run in this pixelated adventure? Find out now!