Different types of alternative fuels help reduce pressure on conventional fuels

The continuing problem of oil price hikes is troubling all corners of the world. More people have become smarter car owners and have looked into the possibility of using alternative means like cooking oil recycling. The different types of alternative fuels available include liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas, electricity, compressed natural gas, hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel, and more.


cooking oil recycling

Liquefied petroleum gas

Liquefied petroleum gas or LPG is composed of propane which is why it is tense known as propane. Hydrocarbons are vapors when the temperature is normal but becomes liquid is the temperature is moderate. The primary source of LPG per modifies release across the USA. Yet the nationwide requirement comes from petroleum refining and the processing of natural gas. It is particularly suitable for smaller vehicles like cars and light vans.

Liquefied natural gas

Liquefied natural gas comes from natural gas that people use for cooking and other domestic need. The difference between LPG and LNG is that it requires cooling in extremely low temperatures to be liquefied at the supply station.

Compressed natural gas

Compressed natural gas is a type of natural gas that is used in the home and is chiefly and domestically produced across the United States. It is imported through pipelines or on exclusive tanker ships. due to the increasing demand for natural gas production is catching up to feed all the demands of the nation.


Biodiesel is like you substitute that is created from biomass which means that can be needed naturally and not endangered the condition of the atmosphere and the possible carbon dioxide pollutants. Restaurant oil recycling serves as the base sometimes a cooking oil recycled or animal that can also be applied.

Naturally derived oils

Pure plant oils are you will from crops like grape seed, palm, and nuts that are crossed and filtered. Only the other hand hydrogen fuel type is only used in vehicles that are still in the prototype stage.

These varieties of fuel are pollutant-free and cause minimal damage to the environment. This kind of fuel is what polluted and impoverished missions need to sustain the demand despite the increasing prices. If you are in the market searching for an effective way of used cooking oil recycling then visit www.recyclingusedcookingoil.com.