Cortisone Injection Perth

Cortisone Injection Perth – Here Is What You Need To Know Before You Get One Of Them

Cortisone injections are one of the most common treatments used in different disorders and injury treatments. These are also known as steroid or hydrocortisone injections. There is a substance used within the injection, which is known as a corticosteroid. Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs, which are artificial versions of 2 hormones produced in a human being. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands. When you are going to take Cortisone Injection Perth, there are many important things you should know.

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For what purpose, cortisone injections are used?

Cortisone shots or injections have been shown to be an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. Such injections can treat the below-mentioned musculoskeletal issues:

  • Spinal herniation
  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Tendonitis
  • Unspecified back pain
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Herniated discs

The role of cortisone injections in the treatment

Make sure you know that cortisone injections are not a cure. A patient who is going to undergo this treatment should know this thing. These injections are a treatment, which is designed to deal with the symptoms linked to an injury or condition. It means that such injections play an important role in the treatment plan, which can provide long-term relief. Along with the use of cortisone injections, there are some other elements that may be included in the treatment plan. These are:

  • Changes in the lifestyle
  • Weight loss to decrease stress on the spine and joints
  • Physical therapy exercises to stretch and strengthen soft tissues and muscles

A short-term treatment

Of course, these injections can be effective. But if you use a Cortisone Injection Perth for a long time, it may damage ligaments, tendons, and cartilage at the injection site. This is why it is important to have a very strict schedule of injections. Make sure your provider would not want to deviate from your schedule. If the schedule of cortisone injections is just ahead of surgery, you should wait for at least 12 to 16 weeks after the last injection and your surgeon is comfortable to operate on that affected area.

It can take up to seven days for a cortisone injection to start working in the body. Its effects usually last up to two months, but sometimes longer. Using a cortisone injection can help you decrease inflammation that damages joints. There may be a situation when your doctor can recommend other treatments to resolve joint pain that comes from another condition like ligament damage, tendon damage, obesity, or autoimmune disorder. Find a professional at Perth Medical Imaging who can give you the right guidance before taking cortisone injections.