Coolant Flow Meter Installation and Operation

In many industrial means, cooling is required to stop machines from overheating and getting damaged. Cases of such tools hold automotive welding, car engines, cutting & welding devices, and other devices with swiftly running parts. When metal running parts come into contact with one another instantly, friction happens, pointing to overheating. If no coolant is not applied to reduce heat, the metal parts will break and damage the machine or device used.


In automotive systems, there are six sets of the coolant flow meter. These flow meters check the cooling fluid’s condition and temperature or coolant applied in the cooling system. If the coolant is not good, it will have to be modified to work efficiently.

Cooling Flow Meter Types

  • Cooled water system
  • Closed-loop dry flowmeters
  • Closed-loop evaporative system
  • Open-loop evaporative system
  • A closed-loop dry system with trim cooling
  • Liquid to liquid

Liquid-to-Liquid Cooling Flow Meters

This kind of cooling system is the easiest. In liquid-to-liquid flow meters, workers use well liquid to cool down the compressor. You will see this kind of coolant flow meter convenient if you have well water around your workshop. The well water cools the compressor off on the other side of the standard heat exchanger.

On the other side, Glycol and liquid are used as coolants. While heat is exchanged, the method would not foul. Instead, fouling will occur on the other side that is using well water. The operator cleans the medium heat exchanger by taking it apart after some time, and this will rely on how the HI exchanger is picked.

Tube & plate or Shell & tube are examples of the most generally used HI exchanger in automotive cooling systems. A 5° coolant temperature over the plant’s cooling water is available using a liquid-to-liquid coolant flow meter. This cooling flow system can supply a 60° F coolant to the load when the well liquid is 55° F. 

Closed-Loop Dry Cooling Flow Meters

The closed-loop dry cooling system runs on the principle of the car radiator. It is a coolant fluid that is cooled by air, and it has finned tubes where the coolant liquids are pumped into to transfer heat. Other support elements are involved in this kind of flow meter, which benefits the cooling method. The extra parts in this coolant meter have the piping method, the controlled skid, the fan or fans, and the pump. Heat transfer occurs in ambient air fixed outside.


Although cooling flow meters come in various kinds, their primary objective is to control the temperature to guard the machine against losing or gaining more heat. This assures that the method works at optimum rates with the risk of damages under or heating. However, the worker must ensure that the right coolant flow meter is used with the right use to work efficiently. The company guides how to use the coolant system.