Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Geofencing Digital Ads in Virginia

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Geofencing Digital Ads in Virginia

Leveraging the benefits of data collected from geographic zones is a great way to step up your marketing game. Location-based ad campaigns help you to serve timely and personalized content to your target audiences. However, with geofencing digital ads in Virginia, a lot of times these campaigns fail due to some common mistakes.


Thus, to prevent you from repeating those mistakes, here is the list.

Too Much or Too Little Coverage

To utilize data for your ad campaigns, you need to ensure that your geofences are set up properly. It is very essential to define your area of interest.

Most of the time, companies stick to too small to too big of an area. This cause you to miss put clients who have the maximum potential. To get references, you can use your competitors’ locations.

Missing Out on Frequency Capping

See, a customer sees multiple ads every single day. It’s easy for them to get overwhelmed and they start to tune them out. This is why it is very crucial to place a frequency capping parameter on your campaigns.

It ensures that your consumers notice your ads and prevents you from wasting resources.

Focusing All Your Resources on One Cause

The good thing about geofencing digital ads in Virginia is that they can be used for multiple reasons. You can use it for lead generation, conversion campaigns, sale boosting, etc.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Run multiple and simultaneous campaigns with different goals.

To Make the Ads Engaging

Location-based ads need to be specific to the people and the area. Without that, there is no point in investing in campaigns to drive local sales. Focus your energy on creating ads that are relevant and relatable to the local people.

Geofencing is compatible with 92% of smartphones. Thus, you can contextual ads referencing local news, events, pop culture, etc. It makes the ads more engaging to local people.

Ignoring Exclusion List

This is a mistake even top geofencing companies in California make. While running any ad campaign, you need to know who your target audiences are and who aren’t. The exclusion list helps you to avoid people who aren’t suitable for this campaign.

For instance, if you are running a retargeting campaign, you don’t need to send the ads to your loyal customers.

Finally, it is essential to depend on a company that knows the local market well. A company like Get Geofencing can guide you on when to run a particular campaign, when to optimize the ads, etc. This helps to keep your content refreshing. Thus, consumers would love to engage with your brand.