Commercial grease traps prevent costly plumbing emergencies in a restaurant

Commercial cooking facilities like restaurants, schools, and resorts are mandated by the building codes to install a grease trap in all sinks, dishwashers, and floor drains. The grease trap as the name suggests traps cooking grease oils and fats while letting the waste liquid run down the drain. The different parts of the commercial grease trap work together for retaining 90% of fats oils and grease and let through the effluent liquid. Commercial plumbing services classify grease traps as the first line of defense against your backup and stubborn construction that can lead to expensive business downtime.


Malibu restaurant grease trap

Separating grease from liquid waste

Separating waste liquid from the greasy method the grease trap is vital to the sanitary conditions of commercial kitchens. Excessive accumulation of grease fat and oil in the trap will impact the separation process and let down the drain of the above substances. Released grease oil and fats in the drain can solidify and form major obstructions in the plumbing system the commercial plumbers report that increased logs have to leave to complete by replacements in many cases.

restaurant grease trap

Commercial grease traps must be cleaned regularly to injure the good working condition of the device. Commercial establishments should be aware that unclean grease traps may result in sewer backflow offensive odor and high financial penalties. Grease trap cleaning services from can be helpful for grease trap pumping.

Ensure proper treatment of Grease trap with the following dos and don’ts

Left over should be scraped off the dishes and into the garbage to avoid running fibrous material down the drain


• Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule of the trap
• Avoid rinsing hot pants and parts down the drain and risking costly plumbing problems


Natural bacteria in the grease trap decompose fat oil and grease into water and carbon dioxide. Chemicals such as bleach emulsifiers and enzymes kill natural bacteria and inhibit the separation process of the grease trap. For this reason, one can never try and clean traps with chemical agents. This is when they need to seek the services of a local commercial grease trap cleaning expert. They can provide the right kind of services to ensure compliance with local regulatory laws.