Clean the granite countertop in this way

The long-lasting hard stone that gets formed over time from volcanic magma is granite and today, this stone is famous as a building stone, more than often seen in homes. Each piece is an innovative work of art and they are breathtaking additions to a house. A famed China stone factory brings an eye-catching granite variety that ranges in styles and colors and is just perfect to be used in countertops. Homeowners investing in this expensive stone to increase the beauty of the countertop should always care for it properly.


What you need to do for basic cleaning

Make sure to use a soft and quality microfiber cloth to dust off the surface in order to keep the granite countertops clean. For basic cleaning, this will do. When there are spills on it, try to wipe it using a cloth and water (you can use a sprayer here). Also, wipe it with a stone cleaner formulated with a neutral pH and a damp cloth every once a week.

Remember, abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals are a big NO-NO for granite countertops. Never use them, even if your hands itch to do so or you think they can get rid of a messy stain. Such cleaners can etch, pit, and scratch the stone’s surface permanently, and you can kiss its sophisticated look goodbye. Try a poultice created out of a cup of baking soda or flour and 5 tablespoons of dish soap if oily stains got absorbed by the granite. Add water to the mixture to create a creamy consistency. Now, once it’s ready, place the entire solution directly on the area where the stain is, and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave it overnight and wash away the poultice. Rinse the countertop lightly and dry it.

Go for seasonal granite countertop maintenance for sure

A frequent maintenance task for granite that you should never even think about ignoring is sealing. To find out whether your countertop needs to be sealed again, there is a small test that you can take. For this, splash water on the countertop (in a little amount of course) and see if the water flows freely or sits on it in small beads. If you see that the water splashed no longer beads up on the surface then re-seal it for sure. Make sure to perform this task in all the areas which you use the most.

Don’t forget to examine the granite stone at least once a year. Take a look at every little part of it to ensure there is no shifting or cracking at the seams. As a business owner interested in buying premium quality wholesale granite at the best price, make sure you contact a famed China granite supplier!