Choosing dry hand gel or 70 degree alcohol antiseptic?

Choosing dry hand gel or 70 degree alcohol antiseptic?

Hand disinfection with antiseptic solutions or hand washing with soap has become and is gradually becoming a good habit, especially when the epidemic Covid19 is becoming extremely complex, profoundly affecting our lives. .


gel or 70 degrees alcohol could be better?

However, do you understand the mechanism and effects of hand sanitizers? Let’s find out with QuangTrungChem in the article below!

1. Gel is not enough time

Water in the composition of alcohol acts as a catalyst in the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Water plays a key role in denaturing proteins of the vegetative cell membranes of viruses. Therefore, 70% alcohol penetrates the cell wall more completely. Permeates the whole cells, coagulates proteins and kills viruses.

The water content in the ingredient Medical Alcohol – QuangTrung Chem slows down the evaporation process, increases the contact time on the surface, improves the bactericidal effect.

Hand gel usually has a shorter shelf life, very quickly dries within 2-3 seconds of contact with the air because it contains mostly> 90% alcohol. To concentrate into hand sanitizer gels, the mixed composition cannot contain more than 5% water.

2. Just a drop in the palm of the hand is not enough

To effectively disinfect hands with dry hand sanitizers, be careful to rub your hands with enough force. At the same time, take enough liquid to spread it evenly over your hand. Pay extra attention to your fingernails as there are many bacteria that may be nesting there. Rub the palms, backs of hands, fingers, for 20 to 30 seconds, until hands are dry.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation, the amount of disinfectant solution should be enough for both hands and wrists. If it’s difficult to estimate, take more.

3.The shelf life of Dry Hand Gel

The hand sanitizer gel is always marked with an expiry date or is indicated on the label of the bottle. After opening, the hand sanitizer gel is no longer sterile. In general, dry hand sanitizer gels can be stored for 1 to 3 months after the first use. If you use it beyond this time, the product is no longer effective.

To explain this, take a look at the main ingredients table of dry hand gel and rubbing alcohol:
Dry hand gel contains more than 90% alcohol and the remaining 10% includes other compounds such as glycerin, aroma essential oils, completely water-free in the composition (if any, usually <5% and this content usually not enough) .Gel for hand washing is usually packaged in very small bottles and is only enough to be used within 1-2 months of refilling.

Unlike hand sanitizer gels, alcohol has a longer shelf life of up to 2 years after first use. Because in 70 degree alcohol up to <30% of the water component plays a role in minimizing the loss and evaporation in the air of 70% alcohol.

4. Note if you do not want to be black when using alcohol in the summer

Dermatologists regularly warn, hand sanitizer gels contain > 90% alcohol and sunlight are the “rivalries” when summer comes. Because the hand gel contains a high concentration of alcohol, alcohol-based products often cause dry skin, more sensitive skin under sunlight.

In addition, products containing perfumes or essential oils may cause hyperpigmentation (dark spots appear) after exposure to sunlight. So when you go to the ocean, wash your hands with soap and clean water.

5. Wash your hands with soap when possible

Rapid disinfection is only an aid in reducing viral infection. It is best to wash your hands with soap in combination with various precautions to increase the effectiveness of Covid19’s prevention.

You can also cut up the bar of soap or bring small bar of soap to use, this is also an easy, highly effective method.

6. Quang Trung Production and Trading Company Limited

QuangTrungChem is currently a reputable address providing medical alcohol with quality criteria and competitive prices. At the same time, we also provide customers with industrial chemical products. Contact us immediately if you need to use these products.