commercial LED grow lights

Can Plant Grow without Light?

Most plant lovers are faced with a flower-growing problem, that is, the lack of indoor light. Some friends’ balcony is not sunny enough and the room is dark, but is it all right if they want to grow flowers and grow vegetables? Are there any plants that don’t need light to grow?


The answer is no! No indoor plant can grow in the dark. Plants need proper light to survive. In a completely dark environment, it won’t take long for the plants to die. Most plants grow with more or less light, whether natural light or LED grow light, because most plants need photosynthesis to grow. LED grow light has a certain effect on the lighting supplement of plants, with growth lights, even in the shade, plants will grow faster, thus speeding up the harvest cycle. To learn about LED grow light, you can visit and read a post-How do Grow Lights Work for Plants Better?

Features of LED Grow Light

Quick Harvest Cycle

LED grow light can be used 24 hours a day, which has little effect on temperature. It enables you to change the time of day and the amount of light at the red wavelength at the right time to maximize plant growth. When commercial LED grow lights are used to plant automatic flowering plants, there may be multiple harvests in one season. You can change the flowering time of the plant and increase the yield.

Increased Lifespan

LED grow light has a lifespan of over 50,000 hours, which is much longer than traditional lighting systems.

Energy Savings

Commercial LED grow lights are more efficient than traditional lighting systems, reducing energy by 60% to provide the same level of light. They emit less heat and provide more available light than traditional lighting systems.

Healthier Plants

Light sources that emit more UV rays, IR rays and heat are counterproductive to plant growth. This is because they can cause plants to burn and dry up quickly, which leads them to need more water and energy to stay alive. With a LED grow light, heat and harmful wavelengths of light are limited. As a result, the water and energy is used to grow and develop healthier plants and not to merely survive.

Full Spectrum

It produces balanced full-spectrum light, so you can produce perfect light for every stage of plant growth, which means that LED lights are actually more suitable for your plant than natural light.

Cool Operating Temperature

Commercial LED grow lights do not emit a lot of heat, it does not need to install a cooling system in your planting area.

If you are looking for LED grow lights for indoor plants for your commercial grow, Auxgrow, the LED grow light manufacturer will help you to choose the right one. Auxgrow’s LED grow lights for indoor plants help you launch your indoor growing business with sustainable improvements in plant production and quality, and energy cost savings.