Can I Get my DUI Case Dismissed: What the Lawyer Says

You may have been charged with a DUI in Colorado. Or, someone you love is facing a DUI case problem. Whatever the scenario is, you are here to learn- how often DUI cases get dismissed in Colorado. According to any dui lawyer Denver, people come up with a wide range of questions when it comes to DUI charges. Some ask “what it takes to win a DUI case”. On the other hand, some ask, “Can I get my DUI case dismissed?” Also they ask, “If I cannot get my case dismissed, can it be reduced?”

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Well, it is not possible to say whether your DUI case can be dismissed or not. Also, it is not possible to say if it can be reduced or not. After all, we do not know the situation that you are in. Every case has its own set of facts. Also, the cases depend on several factors. So, without analyzing them, it is nearly impossible to tell if your case can be dismissed or not. Only a DUI attorney, who knows each detail of your case, may provide you with a concrete answer to your question.

Before you hire the best DUI lawyer, we will tell you here what the possible scenarios are when you may get your DUI case dismissed. See if your situation matches any of the scenarios or not.

When can you expect to get your DUI case dismissed:

• If the person is a first-time DUI offender
• If the person facing the charges does not have a previous criminal history
• When the case includes mitigating factors
• When the person has evidence to support a specific DUI defense strategy

There are other scenarios as well about which your DUI lawyer can tell better. Well, if you wonder about defense strategies, here are some of them mentioned below:

• The law enforcement officials do not have enough reasons to suspect you of a DUI
• The breathalyzer test has not been performed properly
• A blood test was not performed properly or the result has been disturbed due to contamination

Along with these points, there are other factors as well. Hire the best DUI lawyer to know the details.