Buying Jade Jewellery – Important Features To Look Into Before Buying

Jade gemstone has been associated with many different traditions. The stone is more in demand, just like diamonds or any other gemstone. When purchasing, you should be aware of fake counterfeits. Original Jade may vary in value, depending on its quality and purity.



  • The gemstone has many different applications, and your purchase should be based on your application
  • You can invest money in Jade Nephrite rough stone as well
  • Check with features that are unique to original gemstone


There are many different ways to ensure that you have invested only in an original gemstone. You can check for quality the moment you purchase from a registered dealer only.


Proper inspection


Jade may not be a diamond but is rated in a similar category. It is a gemstone and so has its values. The moment you purchase Nephrite rough or polished Jade, you have to check with its quality. The stone, if original will have smooth curves.


It reflects light as the top surface is glossy. The stone is very smooth to touch. At the very first glance, you will feel that it resembles very much closer to the soap.


Avoid investing in fake ones


Just like any other gemstone, Jade is also worn for good karmic values and positive vibes. This means that investing money in less expensive fake versions should always be avoided. If the stone is fake, it will never offer any benefits.


If you are an expert then you certainly will focus on check with the molecular structure of the stone using the powerful lens. Fake gemstones never offer any benefits to the individual.


Always invest in new stone


As per experts, you should never invest your money in second hand or used Jade ring. The negative vibes of an individual get trapped easily in the stone when wearing. The moment you purchase used stone or rings, these negative vibes get transferred to your body.


If you are negative then you get more negative by wearing used jade stone. Always insist on investing money in fresh produce cut Jade stone.


Shatter test


Jade is durable and strong just like a diamond. On minor impacts, the gemstone may not shatter. The moment you are investing your money on this stone you should check it for its shattering test. If the stone breaks easily then it is not pure.


Even if you purchase raw form of the stone you should test it for its durability.


Check for its shape


Not all shaped gemstones are good. For good karmic values, you have to focus on a particular shape only. This is also true when purchasing a Jade ring. You should wear a shape that suits you best. You can contact details of different shapes and their benefits from expert dealers.


If you are purchasing as a decorative piece then you can invest your money in any shaped stone. Earrings are best if the stone is round, oval, or trapeze. Raw stone usually does not have any fixed shape. Before you buy it is important to check with the consistency of the shape and weight.


You can search for Jadestone in any possible shape and size in the market.



Find more information relating to  Jade ring here.