Business Analytics with Power BI | Power BI Online Course – MITID Innovation

Business Model Innovation – MITID Innovation

About this Course

Learn how business model innovation can deliver more lasting competitive advantage, particularly in disruptive times. This model will introduce the basics of construction an innovative business model and give tools to work with your business idea. The module will introduce both general business strategies as well as the different building blocks of a business model. The different sessions will work through the Business model canvas and discuss different ways to think about your business idea in terms of Value, Customers, Customer Relationships, Channels, Activities, Resources, Relationships, Cost and Revenues.


Meet your Instructor

I am an Associate Professor of Media Technology, appointed Excellent Teacher at Umeå University and, since 2011, acting as the director of the highly-rated integrated five-year Master of Science program in Interaction Technology and Design at Umeå University. I hold dual MSc degrees in Engineering Physics and Business from Umeå University and a Ph.D. in Media Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. I am the recipient of the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Pedagogical Prize for my efforts to inspire students and teachers to take part in creative high-quality education. My research and teaching interests include not only media technology, interaction technology, interaction design and students’ learning, but also value creation, concurrent sourcing, marketing issues and technological changes connected to the media and the media industry. My work has been published in e.g. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Media Business Studies and Industrial Marketing Management and has been presented at numerous international conferences within different areas including best paper awards at the Anzmac and CHI conferences. Personal Interests Travel, Education, Research.

Learning Outcomes


  • Learn from Industry Experts
  • Immersive learning experience focused on the latest business insights, trends and thought leadership
  • Learn how to lead and deliver winning customer perspective in the times of change and uncertainty
  • Opportunity to fast track your learning with fresh perspectives and exposure to Learn, Think, Act, Reflect model
  • Turn strategy into action
  • Gain insights on modernizing the operations, processes, organization, and technology to be more nimble
  • Experience Case Studies & Projects
  • Review options, develop different scenarios, discuss plausible responses and outcomes together with Industry leaders
  • Get Energized
  • Become a catalyst for fostering culture of innovation and agile processes to understand shifts in behavior
  • Offer a holistic approach of learning including mentoring & daily mindfulness in parallel to learning sessions
  • Leave inspired and full of bold new ideas for your future


Learn with MITID how Business Model Innovation can deliver a more lasting competitive advantage, particularly in disruptive times. MITID Innovation is one of the best online courses in Innovation.