This September, the number of people who flew with Brussels Airlines went up again. During the same time last year, 72,709 more people took Brussels Airlines flights. The number of seats being used went up to 82.5%.


The month of September is always a busy one for Brussels Airlines. On the one hand, business traffic picks up after the summer break. On the other hand, late summer vacation spots are still very popular. Also, a lot of expats go back to their home country for a vacation and then fly back home. This is especially true on flights from or to Africa.

This led to an 8.9% increase in passengers in the last month. The steady rise in the number of people who flew on European flights (+8.7%) was interesting. The African network also made a big difference (+6%) to growth.

There were a total of 886,617 people on board a Brussels Airlines flight. In September, the number of flights offered went up by 0.8%, but the number of passengers went up even faster. This made the seat load factor go up to 82.5%. It is the first time in September that the seat load factor has been over 80%.

The amount of freight that was moved also went up. The cargo load factor went up by 13.9%, and the revenue tons-kilograms went up by 15.8%.

These numbers don’t include the people on the many charter flights that Brussels Airlines runs for tour operators.

Month Month Difference in Percentage sep/17 sep/16
7,438 7,380 0.8%
Total Passengers 886,617 813,908 8.9% — Passengers Europe
742,691 683,498
8.7% — Passengers Africa 82,053 77,387
6.0% — North American passengers
35,922 35,177 2.1% — Passengers Middle East
18,027 17,846 1.0% — Passengers Asia
7,924 / / Available seat-kilometers (ASK) 1,780,726,685
Revenue Passenger-Kilometers (RPK) 1,469,565,089 1,312,715,898 11.9%
Passenger Load Factor (%) 82.5% 79.9%
2.6 pp.
Available Ton-Kilometers (ATK) 212,043 194,318 9.1%
Revenue Ton-Kilometers (RTK) 168,541 145,519 15.8%
Cargo Load Factor (%): 69.8 55.9 13.9
Figures based on the preliminary data we have right now