Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training?

Hello beautiful soul! It’s a pleasure to have you here. It’s possible that you are looking into an online YTT, and that you are curious about the benefits of online teacher training. Let’s not waste your time.


The course can be taken anywhere

yoga teacher training offers many benefits, but perhaps the most important is their flexibility. Online yoga teacher training doesn’t require you to sacrifice your weekends or evenings. You’ll still be able to spend time with your family and friends. You might be able to convince them to become your yoga student “guineapigs span”

Your course can be accessed from anywhere you are, and from any device as long as there is an internet connection. You can download videos if you are certain, you won’t have internet access on your next vacation. Additionally, you can also call-in weekly calls via telephone if you need to.

The most important time for integration is the benefit of online yoga teacher training.

Every week, a new topic or group of poses is introduced. Then, you have a week in which to integrate, apply, and explore what you’ve learned. Even after the course is over, you still have access to the course materials. It is amazing not to feel rushed. It was intense, and I went through my yoga alliance yoga teacher training immersions. It was so much information and I struggled to remember it all.

Each student is unique and will learn differently. Some students do well in a fast-paced environment while others prefer to have more time to process the information, ask questions, and then apply it. Online yoga teacher training offers the opportunity to apply what you have learned and live it in your daily life.

Some students are better at reading than others, while some prefer listening. Others need to be more tactile and visual. Still, others thrive in small groups. Great training can accommodate different learning styles. We can all agree that we don’t want to spend our time watching lecture videos.

The second and last benefit of online yoga teacher education is: It’s affordable!

Online yoga teacher training has another advantage: it is usually more affordable than in-person training. This is because teacher expenses are lower and savings get passed on to you. 300 hour yoga teacher training eliminates all of the additional expenses associated with in-person classes. These expenses include travel, accommodation, parking, and other expenses. You don’t have a job you hate for three weeks or lose your income. You don’t need to pay a nanny or dog sitter to look after your pet.