Benefits of Hiring a Professional Locksmith Service in Lenexa City!

If you own or operate a large business, especially one that does business with the general public (such as a retail store, restaurant, or hotel), you already know the value of a good security system and wouldn’t dream of leaving the premises unsecured. Yet small or medium-sized businesses often wonder whether they need anything other than the front door lock their rental building originally came with. As commercial locksmiths servicing the GTA for over 30 years, we can emphatically attest to the importance of securing your business against theft – before it happens.


While Lenexa is, comparatively speaking, a very safe city, Leading Locksmith regularly works with commercial clients who have experienced theft and break-ins and are trying to pick up the pieces. They usually contact us to install a high-tech security system or change the locks, hoping this will never happen to them again. They are often doubly devastated because instead of dealing with desperate, sloppy criminals who are simply hoping to grab something to sell for drugs, they have been victims of highly organized criminals who know how to raid a business thoroughly and how to evade capture afterward. Often, it’s an inside job spearheaded by a current or former employee with a grudge who knows exactly where the valuable data, cash, or inventory is kept. They have not only been invaded and victimized, they will also likely never see justice or the return of their stolen goods, because most burglars get away with it.

Do you have an extra $1,800?

That is the average loss that occurs when a business is robbed – and it’s often as a result of someone copying the key. Of course, there are the smash and grabs and armed robberies that we hear about on the news, but those are relatively rare. A whopping one-third of all business theft does not involve forced entry, meaning the burglars already had a key. If you have ever had an employee quit or had to let someone go, then lost a bunch of inventory, you can probably put two and two together; your key was duplicated without your knowledge. So how can a commercial locksmith help?

High-security locks have key control measures to prevent theft

The good news is, Leading Locksmith can help prevent business theft – and it doesn’t have to cost you anywhere near $1800! Of course, we can design and install a complete security solution to meet all your needs, including CCTV, a fire-resistant safe, restricted key card access for your employees, a monitored alarm system…the possibilities are endless. But good security begins at a much simpler level, with who has a key to your premises. At Leading Locksmith, we are a certified Lenexa dealer, meaning we are experts in installing Medeo’s patented high-security locks with key control – which ensures that keys cannot be duplicated without the proper permission. Medeco’s high-security locks are super-strong and almost completely resistant to burglar’s tools and methods such as lock picking and bumping. We know the Medeco products that will give you complete control over key usage, so you never have extra keys floating around and no one can make copies without your say-so.

When you call Leading Locksmith to audit your commercial security needs, we’ll discuss your requirements and situation before sending in technicians who have everything they need to upgrade or service your business, so the job gets done without multiple trips and delays.

When in doubt about your business security, don’t just call the first locksmith you find on Google; trust an expert Lenexa locksmith to keep your business safe. Call a Leading Locksmiths to ask about high-security locks today!