Benefits of Class 4 Softswitch over Traditional Switch

Wholesale VoIP business has been in existence for many years. Wholesale VoIP service providers traverse massive volume of VoIP calls from source to destination and majorly, these are long distance calls. To perform this action of call routing traditionally service providers used to use a hardware-based wholesale switch. However, as different VoIP technologies came into existence and became mature, different VoIP solutions came into existence to support the business of VoIP service providers, including, class 4 Softswitch.

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A class 4 Softswitch is a software solution, which offers all features of a traditional wholesale switch. Moreover, there are many more benefits of using it. In this article, you will learn about the top 5 benefits of using a class 4 VoIP Softswitch over a wholesale hardware-based switch:

  1. Rapid and hassle-free setup

It is a software solution as mentioned earlier. Thus, to install and set it up, there is a minimum to no requirements of hardware, wiring, etc. Moreover, usually, companies offering this solution to provide the complete installation and set up services. Thus, the provider does not need to take any additional steps. Even if a wholesale VoIP business owner is already using a hardware solution, he can migrate to class 4 Softswitch. The whole migration process will be taken care of by the software provider.

  1. Easy to use

Usually, this VoIP Softswitch gets designed with a graphical user interface. All modules and layouts are kept easy to understand and use. Thus, unlike traditional wholesale switch, to use a class 4 Softswitch, users do not need too much of technical knowledge. In fact, an engineer or executive with no knowledge of coding can use it with ease.

  1. Easy to operate

It is a web-based solution. Thus, it can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. It is an extremely easy to use and operate the solution. Adding a new customer or a reseller is a matter of a few clicks. No added hardware or wiring needed for any action. Thus, all different operations can be carried out using this VoIP Softswitch without any hassle.

  1. Save resources on management and maintenance

As stated earlier, this is a software solution, which is web-based. It means there is no need to invest the huge capital amount to set up a wholesale VoIP business. All you need to pay for is the cost of software and hosting. That is it. As it is a software, operational costs and maintenance expenses are way cheaper compared to a hardware-based wholesale switch. Along with money, significant human resources and time can also be saved, which gets wasted otherwise.

  1. Increase ROI

As a class 4 Softswitch is capable to save resources and work flawlessly even for higher call volumes, it significantly reduces expenses. Moreover, it increases returning and new customers. Thus, there is a clear increase in returns over investment (ROI).


From all different aspects, a class 4 Softswitch is a better solution to run a wholesale VoIP business than the traditionally used solution. To stay ahead in the competition, adopting this software is necessary.