Balance Bikes Explained: Everything You Need to Know-4

Learning how to ride a bike confidently and safely is a skill that doesn’t always come naturally or easily.

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There are kids who seem to be able to just pedal away with very little parental help, but these are the outliers. Most children go through a learning process, which may take days, weeks or even months. The fact is, every child is different and learns at a different pace.

Riding a bike requires good balance and coordination. Getting your child to develop these areas is key to learning to cycle quickly and safely.

How much does a balance bike cost to buy?

Balance bikes vary in price from $30 to over $1,000, but most decent ones are between $150 to $250. #Kinderfeets balance bikes are unique in that they’re convertible and can adapt as your child grows, giving long term value for money.

How to buy a balance bike for your child?

Once you’ve considered the info above, there are a few ways to find out which best suits your child. Talk to friends, read reviews, watch some Youtube videos, or visit your local bike shop which has knowledgeable staff.

Here are a couple of independent reviews of the #Kinderfeets balance bike:

Look for reviews that test the quality and function of the balance bike itself rather than just the concept of the balance bike. I’ve read many reviews over the years that say “this balance bike is better than a normal bike” but they overlook whether it’s actually a good example of a balance bike.

What is the best balance bike to buy?

The best balance bike to buy is the one that finds the best compromise between cost, size, weight, function, customer support and sustainability. Some bikes are more suited to city riding and others for off-roading. Some are great for confident adventurous kids, but not so good for timid kids. It’s up to you to weigh up the different considerations and determine which is best for your child. We feel the longevity, function, aesthetics, sustainability, personal service and cost of the Kinderfeets bike makes it great value for money overall.


Hopefully this guide will help you decide if a Balance Bike is the right option for your child as he or she sets out on their exciting journey to two-wheel independence. I can’t reiterate enough that the key to learning to ride a bike is building confidence through developing good balance and coordination – this is exactly what Balance Bikes were designed for. Before you know it, your child will be pedaling confidently on their own and reaping all the health benefits that cycling offers.

Lastly, just to blow our own trumpet for a second, the big bonus of the Kinderfeets Balance Bike is that you can convert it into a “normal” bike by adding pedals & brakes and adjusting the specially designed frame. So, once your child is ready for pedals, they won’t have to get used to a new bike and you won’t have the expense of having to buy a new bike. In fact, the Kinderfeets Balance Bike will grow with your child from the age of 2, all the way up to 7 years old. Check out all the bike color options and accessories here.