Back to School Hygiene Tips

Children are still adjusting to being back at school full-time, and with the threat of COVID-19 still looming, it’s crucial to teach your children the importance of hygiene now more than ever.

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With the effects of COVID-19 on children still being questionable, you might want to take a few extra precautions when sending your kids to school or if you run a school.

I’m going to run through some hygiene tips you can put in place to help prevent the transmission of COVID, these tips are for parents, headteachers, owners of schools, teachers, janitors and anyone else who helps in maintaining a clean and safe school.

Personal Hygiene

Teach your children to wash their hands regularly and for the right amount of time. Before entering the classroom or after coughing or sneezing, make sure to sanitise. After playing outdoors or going to the toilet, make sure to wash your hands.

Make sure they regularly bathe if you’re a parent and if you want to be extra cautious, you can tell your child to put their clothes in the laundry basket at the end of the school day and wash their clothes daily.

Social Distancing

Encourage your children and students to keep two meters apart, keeping a safe distance away can help prevent the transmission of disease. If you run a school, you can place social distancing floor markers and signs to remind students about social distancing. Desks could also be reorganised, so children aren’t sitting directly next to each other. We might be learning to live with COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean that it’s disappeared completely or that the practices we used during its peak months don’t work for all bacteria.


Although they’re not required anymore in the UK as I’m writing this, you can encourage your children to wear masks to be extra safe. If you run a school, offering free masks can help convince children to wear them and make sure you’ve got a supply for kids who have forgotten their masks.

Regular Surface Cleans

If you run a school, a good tip is to make sure you’re wiping down your surfaces regularly with anti-bacterial liquid. Your focus should be to disinfect and clean the desks, toilets, chairs, door handles, railings and anything that is regularly used. Anything else like the stairwells, corridors and other things in the classroom should be your next priority.

Take a look at Jangro’s cleaning chemicals to find what you need for this point.


If you’re a parent, make sure to pack some tissues in your child’s school bag and encourage them to use tissues when they need to sneeze or cough instead of using their hand. If you run a school, make sure to stock up on supplies of tissues and keep them in each classroom so students have easy access to them.

Chewing Gum Removal

Used chewing gum on the floor, under tables, chairs and any other surface is known in schools. Make sure to remove all the chewing gum on school grounds – it’s extremely unhygienic and also an eyesore. You can encourage children and teachers to not have chewing gum on school grounds.

Pay Attention to Toilets

Make sure to carry out a deep clean on toilets especially. Toilets can become one of the most unsanitary places in a school if it’s not cleaned regularly. Make sure teachers are encouraged to let students go to the toilet as refraining from doing so could damage their liver and bowels and also, they may want to wash their hands so it could also be seen as unsanitary. Many teachers prevent students from going to the toilet after breaks or lunches, leading to them being uncomfortable and being focussed on not weeing themselves rather than the lesson. Seriously, teachers, let them go the loo!

Jangro’s washroom supplies do the job perfectly.


Getting young children to adopt hygiene practices is likely going to be very difficult. Kids are kids, they won’t always follow the rules and sometimes don’t understand how important these rules are. By rewarding them with sweets, stickers or extra play time, it’ll be much easier to teach them about hygiene.

Cleaning Equipment & Supplies from Jangro

For all the tools, equipment, and cleaning supplies you’ll need to keep your school as hygienic as possible, take a look at the Jangro website and their janitorial supplies for schools.

Content supplied by Piranha Solutions