Author name: Vinay Londhe

Importance of general knowledge in management career-Lexicon MILE

One of the most important aspects of our daily life is a piece of general knowledge. You would be terribly wrong if you consider that the general knowledge is the one that comes from deep learning of the current affairs list and the history. It’s all about what happens around us and gaining a better […]

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Investment banking as a career post-MBA-Lexicon MILE

Investment banking has been a go-to industry for fresh graduates who complete their MBA. This specific sector of banking or finance helps companies in raising capital for their organization. They also specialize in offering consultancy services to them. The high paying potential of this sector makes it the most longed for a career for many.

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Best ways for management students to upskill themselves-Lexicon MILE

Management studies have become a more preferred graduation program in recent days. With lots of students graduating every year and professionals who are upskilling themselves with an MBA degree, the competition is increasing day by day. Continuous learning and upgrading yourself is the key to outshine all the odds. Even as a student pursuing a

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Everything you need to know about a master’s degree in marketing

One of the oldest and the most desired specialization in a management course is marketing. With the recent trend of rapid digitalization, almost every company gives high priority to the marketing team which attracts customers towards the company and manages the competition. Marketing is always associated with a rewarding income and a career that has

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A parents guide to picking the right management program for their child -Lexicon MILE

Parents have a great responsibility in ensuring that their son or daughter gets into a management course that best suits their interests, lifestyle, and goals. Every parent would have an innate urge to help the child decide on a good college and the program. After shortlisting to graduation in management, the next crucial step is

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Which top skills to master before placements-Lexicon MILE

Every student who desires to get employed tries their hand at placements. Placements offer security and opportunities that may be otherwise hard to get. Placements are a gold mine that students should try and have a taste of. Placements for a management degree are a whole different than others. Get geared for campus placements by

Which top skills to master before placements-Lexicon MILE Read More »

Top 7 management jobs in the future-Lexicon MILE

Management is an ever-changing ball game. In the previous generation, mere people management skills could ensure a successful management career progression. This is not the case in today’s competitive environment. Management skills both soft and technical are required for a successful career. Not only have the skills required changed but also the job profiles. We

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Importance of Internship-Lexicon Management Institute-Lexicon MILE

The world is changing at a rapid pace. Knowledge though important is not the only factor that helps in career success. To set oneself apart it is vital to gain expertise as well. Students have a great way of doing this through internships. An internship can give one a glimpse into corporate life without actually

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