Author name: Structured inc

Why HIPAA Compliance?

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act. The act was passed in 1996 in order to have national standards that protect privacy of individual’s personal health information (PHI) through the Privacy Rule of the Department of Health and Human Services. This law is supposed to protect patient’s health information through the establishment of standards […]

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What You Should Know About HIPAA and HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA’s main objective is to transform Healthcare through reduction of costs, simpler administrative burdens and processes and also by improvement of security and privacy of their entire patient’s information. The two distinct and separate laws under HIPPA umbrella is; HIPAA security and HIPAA privacy. HIPAA privacy pertains to the protecting and privacy of people’s protected

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Benefits of IT Infrastructure Management Service

IT infrastructure is a term used to mean the software, network resources, composite hardware and generally all services needed for operation, management and existence of the enterprise information technology environment. This allows a particular organization deliver services and solutions in IT, to all clients, employees and partners. The system is normally deployed within the organization.

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