Author name: seriqatu

All about large format scanning.

A service utilised by agencies and businesses throughout the UK, large format scanning is one of our primary offerings. Whether you’re in construction, engineering, or surveying, our state-of-the-art scanners are able to create high-quality scans of A0, A1, A2, and A3 papers. Why large format scanning works for business Having worked with companies throughout the

All about large format scanning. Read More »

What is BLS Certification? Everything You Need to Know.

There’s no telling what could happen in the future—one moment you’re with your colleagues laughing at some joke when suddenly, someone’s collapsing because of a heart attack. Unfortunately, happenings like these are more common than you thought. According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention Control, about 800,000 Americans suffer from sudden cardiac arrest, in

What is BLS Certification? Everything You Need to Know. Read More »