Author name: Albert Bright

AstronEfficiencyOnomy, nr. 3/3 of GlobalOnomy-Trilogy

AstronEfficiencyOnomy – The third book of the trilogy “GlobalOnomy”. Astronomy efficiencies for Homo-Sapiens inefficiencies. The total amount of energy remains constant as final result – whatever it might be. All is relative. And as well concerning matter: it depends on what one makes out of it … – mankind acts primarily in consumption dimensions –

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GlobalOnomy Sustainable Economy&World via Astronomy-Rules

GlobalOnomy GlobalOnomy is a faculty established by the organization World-Wide-Wealth ( ). GlobalOnomy is a faculties-overlaping discipline: The VISION is the optimization of following main sectors: economy & currency, knowledge & wisdom, peace & liberty, health & wealth and welfare & sustainability – world-wide! The ORIGINE of the GlobalOnomy-Ideas were the always increasing speculation-

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“Breakthroughs” – the “coincidences” of “luck” …

“Breakthroughs” – the “coincidences” of “luck” … How an earthly scout became an astronomical path finder … The universe has been growing for 13.8 billion years. Why not use its growth and sustainability laws for earthly aspects? Thought, done. As an ex-boy-scout, Albert Bright was sure to find a way. So “by the way” he

“Breakthroughs” – the “coincidences” of “luck” … Read More »