Author name: Alameen Alva

Why VoIP Billing Solution Is Necessary for ITSPs?

The ITSP is an abbreviation of Internet Telephony Service Provider. This is one of the large scaled industries catering to worldwide customers by using different VoIP solutions. Generally, an ITSP offers communication and collaboration tools with the SaaS model to benefit its customers. A majority of these VoIP solutions except smart VoIP software come without […]

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Tops 5 Pros of Open Source VoIP Solution

The VoIP telephony industry is very much dependent on open source. FreeSWITCH, Asterisk, WebRTC, and all other VoIP technologies are open source. Any VoIP software is developed using these open source VoIP technologies. The moral of the story is open source technologies are everywhere in the VoIP telephony industry and other correlated industries. Thus, choosing

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Major Factors to Consider before Switching Class 4 Softswitch

Class 4 Softswitch is used for routing calls from source to destination. Usually, this call routing is performed for international destinations. Moreover, the volume of the call to be routed stays quite high, thus, it is known as a wholesale Softswitch. In traditional times, service providers used to use hardware based wholesale Softswitch, which is

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How to Choose a VoIP Solution for Long Term Pros?

VoIP telephony and similar businesses are growing like anything. From business users to residential users have started using various VoIP solutions. From a high-end VoIP telephony service such as wholesale VoIP to a small scaled VoIP business such as DID numbering services, everything is very much in demand. All these traits make this industry very

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Top Reasons to Use Class 4 Softswitch with Billing

Class 4 Softswitch is a wholesale switch that lets wholesale VoIP businesses route massive call traffic from source to destination. Often, these calls are long distance calls made to different international destinations. Moreover, there are multiple call routing rules and channels get used for routing calls from one location to another. Cost per call may

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Helpdesk Support Ticket Solution Benefits during Pandemics

The pandemic situation caused by Coronavirus is known to everyone. There are hardly a few countries that are not facing turbulence because of it. Some countries are locked down and some are still operating with possible preventions to reduce the spread of COVID 19. This pandemic has spiked up the workload in some departments significantly.

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How ASTPP Enterprise Solution Helps Businesses during COVID 19 Crisis?

COVID 19 crisis has increased like anything. There are so many people suffering and it does not stop at that. It is weakening the economy of the world. The experts say this is the beginning of the world recession. The businesses are struggling to get over or to deal with the situation with the minimum

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