Are You thinking You Are in Labor? Watch Out Some Signs Here!

Women who are expecting their first baby are often overwhelmed by the idea of going into labor. It’s hard to tell whether those mild cramps are from the food you ate last night or your baby is ready to enter the world. Have you leaked urine because of the pressure of the baby on your bladder or is it the water breaking?


Gynecologists in Vartak Nagar, Thane recommend that women should watch out for these signs when approaching their due date.

Your Water Breaks
Not every woman going into labor might notice a large volume of water leaking or a dramatic contraction, unlike what’s shown in movies. When the amniotic sac ruptures and the water leaks, the risk of infection to you and the baby increases. That’s why a vast majority of women (around 90%) are likely to go into labor within 24 hours of the water breaking. If you notice a water leak, call your healthcare provider immediately to get further instructions.

You Get Contractions
Contractions during labor are the relaxation and tightening of the muscles, which cause extreme pain. Some people describe it as period pain. As you progress toward labor, these contractions will become more frequent, longer, and more painful. The contractions open the cervix and push down the baby through the birth canal. If each contraction lasts 1 minute and occurs as frequently as 5 minutes, you might be in labor. Cramps can also be felt in your pelvic area.

Increased Discharge
It’s normal to have light white discharge during pregnancy, called Leukorrhea. It improves your vaginal health and its self-cleaning ability. As labor approaches, you might notice an increased amount of discharge, a softened cervix, and dilatation. All these factors prepare your birth canal to deliver the baby. The discharge could be white, pink, or brown during labor.

Increased Back Ache
Most women report mild to severe back pain throughout pregnancy. However, if you have pain in the lower back, it might be a sign you are going into labor. Extreme back pain indicates that your baby is facing forward. Their head might sometimes hit the spine, causing a sharp backache. That’s called back labor.

It’s not just the uterus, but the muscles in every part of your body relax before labor. This includes the rectum. It can cause pre-labor diarrhea, which is absolutely normal and is in fact healthy. Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. If you are concerned about loose stools or frequent trips to the bathroom, talk to a gynecologist in Bhiwandi, Thane West.

A Bloody Show
Women approaching labor might notice the loss of mucus plug, either in one large piece or the small bits of them with a pinkish hue. It signals labor, although some women don’t go into labor for days after the show.

These are the most obvious signs of labor. Other than that, you may notice fatigue, mild belly, and back pain, and frequent trips to the bathroom. Call your gynecologist immediately if your water breaks or you experience contractions.

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