DNA Genetic Testing for Weight Loss

Are You Destined to Be Fat? Here’s What You Can Do

You know that friend, who is tall, can eat anything she wants and not gain a single ounce? Meanwhile, you eat all the right things, but it seems that even breathing air can make you gain weight. Sometimes you think that all the decks are stacked against you. But it’s not your fault!

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You can blame it on your genes. For example, maybe you have a slow metabolism. Genetic Testing for Fitness reveals information on what polymorphism of genes an individual has.

Do you have the fat gene?

Do you believe that you are inclined to put on weight easily? Do you think a so-called fat gene in your body makes it harder for you to maintain a healthy weight? Yes, you are certainly right in that line of thinking.

But the mechanism may not be what you think. It’s not simply that certain people can easily lose calories while others carry their weight around. It is much subtler than that. Genetic Testing for Weight Loss shows that there are ways to learn to eat to beat the way your body has been hardwired.

Counteracting the “fat gene” variant

Fat Mass and Obesity associated gene i.e. FTO is getting a lot of attention. Scientists have found that people with these genes have a 20% to 30% higher chance of obesity and it is the most studied gene. However, there is good news too. The FTO variant does not affect your metabolism. But the gene is associated with eating more food, especially high-calorie food.

A hormone called ghrelin is linked to your body that tells it to eat more. The FTO gene regulates ghrelin, which is also known as Hunger Hormone. So, if you are eating and the ghrelin level in the blood is still high, you might overeat because the brain never gets the signal to stop. Ghrelin sticks around longer for people who have the FTO gene than people without it.

Genetic Testing for Weight Loss finds out if your genes have polymorphisms to eating. But, for most people, it is just present since birth. So, you may have to pay closer attention to how you eat and teach yourself to know when to stop.

There are other dozens of genes as well that are linked to weight. So with the help of genetic testing, you can find out if you are just naturally fatter than other people.

How Does DNA Testing help you?

If you want to find out if you have the FTO polymorphism, you can visit a DNA Genetic Testing Lab to unlock your DNA potential. The test results can help you find out how your body is predisposed to storing fats and how your body responds to a different diet, exercises, and certain food (allergies or sensitivities).

So, if you have polymorphism of genes that respond to fat, don’t go yelling at your parents for handing down those genes. The chances are that one of your parents, too, had struggled with it all their lives.

But, there is good news. You can certainly act on it when you get the right information. For example, if you know that you have “fat genes,” you can spend more time carefully grocery shopping. Whole plant-based foods and eating a nutrient-dense diet are the best diets to counteract those genes. This is because they make you feel full and prevent you from overeating.

If you haven’t found the right clue to your hunger satiety, choose foods high in fiber. These foods are filling, nutrient-dense and make it easier to control your weight and leave you feeling satisfied.

Genetic Testing for Weight Loss helps people with polymorphism in FTO genes to manage their diet. A matching diet with your genes may finally quell your runaway appetite. In addition, opting for a whole food plant-based diet will help you stay away from processed food.

You Can’t Change Your DNA. So instead, Change Your Lifestyle.

DNA is the one thing that you have to live with. Think about all the good things in your DNA instead of crying over the fact that your food-eating turn-off switch is absent. Take actions concerning the things in your control; instead of trying a diet after diet following your favorite celebrity. Start by undertaking a genetic test.

Genetic Testing for Disease can discover if your body has FTO polymorphism genes. Then, you can simply ditch those fad diets and start eating a clean, whole-food, plant-based diet rich in whole grains, seeds, nuts and fruits, and vegetables.