Along With Being Healthy, Fitness Is Also Essential

Along With Being Healthy, Fitness Is Also Essential

Dr. Yuva Iyer


Ayurvedic Physician


Health is essential for living a happy, contented and prosperous life. The most essential and important tool for living is the body. That is why it is necessary for the body to be healthy, but it is equally important that the body has the capacity for all vital activities. Readers will question that if the body is healthy then it is also capable of doing all the activities or practices? If we understand this a little deeper, we will be able to understand the duty between both ‘health’ and ‘fitness’.

Who will call fitness?

Physical ability or physical fitness is a state in which the body is healthy and able to perform day-to-day physical activities related to sports, business and employment. Every person does his daily activities by himself.

There is a need to seek help from others when there is a special physical condition or disease-disability. This means that in day-to-day life, bathing, tidying of one’s personal furniture, clothes, belongings, etc., eating, getting up and sitting, walking some distance. The ability to do physical activity like climbing stairs is the ability for day-to-day activities and if we talk about the ability related to profession, then in professions like doctor, bank employees, CA, other consultants, one has to work largely sitting.

Management is done only with intelligence and technical support. Such profession does not require special physical fitness. But mechanics working in workshops, engineers working in industries, professionals working in marketing or in showrooms or other professions that involve constant standing, bending at the waist, sitting on stilts, standing and moving from one place to another. Walking, climbing tall vehicles used in industry, tractors – frequent jumps and landings require full body ability, especially muscle flexibility, agility and joint health.

Now imagine how much the ability of daily life or work activity or physical activity like sports decreases due to lack of activity or joint stiffness or lack of body strength even when the head hurts due to migraine or common cold? Many situations like having to wait for the lift to go up to the first floor, having to use a vehicle to go a short distance, and having to avoid activities that involve bending down are played out.

Along with this, in the blood report naturally or after taking medicine, the figures of sugar, hormones etc. are normal, we are happy with the test that BP is normal and we consider ourselves healthy, absence of disease means health, but not fitness!

Essentials of Fitness

  • Vitality – Vitality, speed, rhythm required for activity.
  • Balance – Balance required during work.
  • Symmetry – Symmetry with strength and nutrition of weight and bodily metals such as flesh, fat, bone, blood etc.
  • Heart – circulatory capacity – the efficiency of the heart – lungs – blood vessels required to supply the body with essential blood and oxygen requirements during activity.
  • Coordination – It is necessary to maintain coordination in muscles, joints, breathing etc. to sequence the activities of different organs one after the other, increasing their speed and controlling the activity.
  • Muscular strength – physical activity requires strength of the body’s muscles even during climbing, sitting or standing.
  • Muscle strength – Many activities like lifting weights, pushing, require strength in the muscles of limbs like arms, legs, abdomen, waist, neck.
  • Flexibility – The body needs to be flexible in order to perform many small activities such as standing still, moving in a certain direction, standing on tiptoe or doing a little stretching of the body.
  • Reaction – In any case physical – mental actions, necessary adaptation to the external environment or understanding – sensing action, body – mind organs and cognitive – karmendriya need to react at the right time. Not all the essentials required here are necessary for any specialized or large yard work. Even for day-to-day activities such as tying a dress, rinsing bras in the washbasin, chopping vegetables, cooking gas, all these bodily reactions bring ease – activity to life. What to do for fitness?
  • As much as we care to cure the disease, we should put as much care in our day-to-day life to increase the body’s ability.
  • Eat right, not dieting for weight balance.
  • Get thin: not lean (weak).
  • There are many physical activities like walking, swimming, cycling, weightlifting, weight training, badminton, squash, tennis, table tennis, Indian classical dance, western dance, out of which you can do activities according to your preference and body capacity.
  • Stretching, breath regulation, body balance, energy consumption and concentration of mind in yoga postures, if these things are understood, yoga is practiced regularly with proper guidance, then many things essential for fitness can be cultivated.

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