All You need to know about automated optical inspection

Automated optical inspection systems are any device that checks the product against pre-defined requirements. It could utilize optic sensors, ultrasonic sensors, or X-rays. AAOI is used in a variety of industries. They could check that pipes used in industrial applications have the proper thickness and are correctly connected. Also, they can check that the components are installed and soldered to small circuit boards.


The automated system could be based on simple criteria for verification, for example, ensuring the components meet geographical boundaries. It could also employ an advanced algorithm that can verify measurements and flag any issues. These algorithms use the pattern of a geographic area to determine if the board before has passed the quality check. Here are a few things you should be aware of concerning inline 3d spi.

What is an OPTICAL INSIGHT System?

A system for optical inspection can be best understood as a way to replace humans as QC operators. An optical inspection method looks at the raw component or a piece of assembly and confirms that it’s within acceptable limits. The optical inspection system can be utilized at any time during manufacturing. The ideal scenario is to use it for production as well as in post-product inspection.

The optical character recognition feature may be a part of an optical inspection device. If so, the system will be able to record serial numbers of damaged items or determine the damaged print on PCB.


In simple terms, it allows for an automated inspection with optical systems. The most significant advantage of this system is the speed. A 3D AOI system can check the position of the component before moving to the next step of production. It also can keep pace with high-volume production processes. It’s not possible in the case of the human team of quality control experts. For instance, the use of 3D AOI in conjunction with part positioning systems can help increase the duration of the cycle, while also reducing the rate of the defect.

Additionally important, the automated 3D inspection can enhance the efficiency of your operations throughout the entire process. For instance, the automated system will verify the layout of the printed circuit board before melting the solder. The board’s layout and the solder may be identified both post-flow and pre-flow. Pre-flow is usually more economical because you won’t waste time or energy melting the solder. It’s also not necessary to take off the solder to fix a damaged SMA connector, or to move it. It’s possible to detect the problems early and fix them before they become a problem. There’s no need to worry about 2D systems that have voids in solder, or not noticing the absence of components. You won’t let issues that are able to escape and reach the user who is using it, since you’re using statistical sampling.

How Does Automated Optical Insight How Does It Work?

Automated optical inspection or AOI procedure is a visual inspection unit that scans the device for imperfections. The automated optical inspection can check for various issues. In the simplest sense, it ensures that all components are in the correct place by looking towards the panel. Some systems utilize lasers, in addition to light sources and cameras that simulate an actual human inspector.