All People Are Wise. Really?!

All people are wise.
Wisdom. According to Wikipedia, wisdom testifies to mental agility and independence: it enables its wearer to systematically think (“a wise insight”, “a wise decision”, “a wise judgment”), to say (“a wise word”, “a wise advice”) or to do / or not to do … things (“a wise behavior”) that prove to be meaningful in the given situation.
Because of this SUSTAINABLE meaningfulness, we would have wished that the 4th Goal*² of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations*1 would be more than “just” improving education. If everyone “only” learns and does what is currently the status quo, no progress will come. The world will perish. Since Plato, wisdom has been one of the 4 primary virtues: Wikipedia: “Plato adopted the idea of the group of four*** in his dialogues Politeia and Nomoi. He maintained bravery (with him , andreia), justice (, dikaiosýne) and prudence (, sophrosýne), but replaced piety (, eusebeia) with wisdom (, phronesis) or wisdom (, sophía). As a result, piety was pushed out of the catalogue of virtues.” *** First mentioned in Aeschylos (467 v.Ch.)
That was 428 to 348 BC. It would have been nice if a little more courage had been mustered in 2016 to train not only in the sense of today’s systems. It would have been nice to aim for a future-oriented standard – and not just a little more training. What is bad, however, is that today, 5 years after the signing of the 17 UN SDGs, there is no more training, but less. More child labour again*³ – thus less time for school Less teaching, due to Corona Backward movements in many countries.
The poor and middle classes have become poorer – also in the industrialized countries. However, even in well-developing countries, such as China, the costs of education and support have risen so sharply that many families – despite the new possibility of having more than just 1 child – cannot afford a second child. Point 4.1. of the United Nations Sustainability Initiative in terms of training is already wasted with the developments just mentioned above and not worth the ink with which these agreements were signed.
And: If not even rich countries like Germany can or want to afford pre-school childcare (Kitas) – point 4.2. of the training sustainability goal – or that (even here(!) very new(!) …) “An-Recht” due to a lack of personnel or professional competence… how, then, is the rest of the world supposed to achieve this goal? 4.3., Affordable(!) university education in England and the USA is more likely to be seen on life until you have paid all university debts. I guess this was not “meant” in the 17 UN SDGs, but it is reality. 4.4 is a capital goal: Many well-trained people in order to be able to produce efficiently worldwide. Entrepreneurship also promotes capital goals – via credit dependency and takeover opportunities – if money would then be made available for smaller companies at all. 4.5 is a common good goal that is far from being achieved even in rich countries… 4.6 is a “rescue clause”. If all of the above is not achieved, you can say that you have at least achieved that all people can read and calculate – if you would achieve it then. 4.7 with all the above shortcomings sounds like an illusion, a dream. 4.7. Goes in the direction of the 4 primary virtues. But if 4.1. to 4.6. and 4.a to 4.c are not achieved, then how is 4.7 to be achieved? Sad. Very sad all these “goals” without any basis.
Even what was agreed was only drawn with gnashing of teeth. And without obligation or consequences, much is just written waste. We thought humanity was further. What a pity. A pity, because “education” is an essential building block for wisdom and the 3 other primary virtues: bravery, justice, prudence. And we urgently need all 4 virtues to make this world truly sustainable.
All the more the suspicion arises that all these goals are not really wanted.
Stupid people (counter-goal of UN-SDG 4) are de facto capital-economic-and/or politically and/or religiously easier to lead than intelligent or even wisdom-endowed people. Just like poor (counter-goal of UN-SDG 1), hungry (counter-goal of UN-SDG 2) and sick (counter-goal of UN-SDG 3) people resulting from the non-achievement of the first 3 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

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The “pious” – i.e. the belief and fidelity to a religion and/or monarchies, dictatorships and/or “more modern” capital (which did not yet exist in primeval times in its present form) – was long ago eliminated from the success-relevant primary human virtues by Plato (428 to 348 BC) almost 2,500 years ago. Nevertheless, dictatorships, communism, religious states, and the above all-standing belief in “capital” (and its religious community) are currently thriving.
The latter is also favored by the political inability of many of today’s democracies to act, as they comply more with the rules of capital than the other systems. The fact that the respective rulers are getting richer and richer and the rest of the world is getting poorer and poorer does not seem to really interest anyone. Not yet. Because if fewer and fewer people can buy what is produced by capital, then it hits the masses AND capital. Because the latter can deliver less and less yield. Then it comes to country and/or system conflicts of the respective rulers. There are breakdowns – and incitement from the poor, hungry, ailing and stupid crowds. This is not a vision or theory. It is now a reality. Unfortunately. What a pity. Sad.

According to Albert Einstein, “A problem cannot be solved with the same tools that caused it.

” Einstein? astronomy! The universe is the system that exists the longest (13.8 billion years), which has the most “members” (400 billion galaxies a per 100 billion stars plus their planets), which is the largest (50 billion light-years in diameter), which is still growing faster and faster; and which grows with fewer (1 super nova every 100 years) big crashes than the small world of the so-called “Homo-Sapiens” (1 big crisis every 3 years). Why not learn from the universe?

Said and done. “GlobalOnomy”* is our trilogy to optimize our world. Astronomy-rules* to optimize our world. With GlobalOnomy we optimize: Economy & Currency, Knowledge & Wisdom, Peace & Freedom, Prosperity & Health, as well as Common Good & Sustainability – worldwide! In our books, we reverse the capital-market laws 180 degrees.
1. Liberte, egalite, Fraternite already existed as targets in 1790. These three top goals of the French Revolution are not presented at all or only in a hint in the 17 UN SDGs from 2016. What a pity. With our GlobalOnomy model, we (also) achieve these 3 goals AND supplement them with “Realizabilite” – with feasibility aspects that the universe is showing us.
2. We eliminate poverty, hunger and more. All people worldwide become rich, full and happy. With “only” one(!) Astronomy “rule” use, we achieve ALL 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. And far more than just these 17 SDG minimum targets on a minimum compromise basis! Well before 2030.
3. With 10 other top rules, we consolidate and expand the achievements of the first rule.
4. There will be (soon) only wealthy people, worldwide! And those who are wealthy will educate themselves and can eat and live healthy lives. Epidemics are avoided.
5. There are (soon) only transcendent people left, worldwide! If you do not have to constantly fight for your survival, or don”t have to make a name for yourself (since everyone is rich now), you can take care of others and other things.
6. All people are focused on sustainability. Because everyone is educated – and knows that this world only exists once. And also, because they can afford sustainable products – and will demand and consist on them.
7. We rotate the Maslow pyramid of needs vertically by 180 degrees. All people are so wealthy that they – like the wealthier people of today – can and will take great care of social aspects – and will think and act transcendently. The lower Maslow levels, which in today’s capital models provide for existential and profiling struggles, will hardly exist any more.
8. No wealthy person goes to war – or has to leave his family nor homeland, purely out of need for money.
9. Profiling neurotic, power addicts and/or warlike leaders have no chance with an intelligent and wealthy liberal population.
10. Finally, the long-awaited surge in demand arises.
11. However, the new demand does not go in the direction of cheap/mass-produced goods, but is, as with all wealthy people, very individual. The destructive cheap trend is broken.
12. The rules of constant demand ensure predictability and sustainability. worldwide.
Astronomy-rules will save our world. We have summarized our findings in 3 books (each in German and English): In the GlobalOnomy trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

Further information can be found on We would be very pleased about your interest, participation and support.

*1 The 17 UN SDGs are goals that the international community set itself in 2016. This happened within the framework of the “United Nations” UN (United Nations Organization), to which 193 states belong. (The individual targets can also be found on: ). All these 17 objectives are – with 193 participating states – naturally only a “minimum consensus”, the lowest common denominator, a compromise. And today, 5 years after their ablution,
1. not even the first 2 main goals – “no poverty” and “no hunger” – are achieved
2. there are only 2 states that have officially named the goals in their budget planning
3. there are no really binding measures – and hardly any effective cooperation
4. there are still no sanctions for non-fulfillments
5. development aid funds remain at minimum levels
6. world development funds remain far behind the national “defense” expenditure
7. tax and money washing oases remain untouched (Singapore, Switzerland, Luxembourg, …)
8. Non-profit organizations, which could extremely help to achieve all these goals, play only a mini-role:
a. Too little donations are made, although (e.B. in Germany): i. 40% of the population (from 14 years) is engaged in charitable activities ii. 7.5% of the working time is used for charitable purposes iii. 18% (600,000) of all “companies” are non-profit organizations
b. The will is there – but is “systemically” blocked by the above-mentioned “capital vicious circles”.
c. We now “crack” the knot: With GlobalOnomy.
For more information on the individual goals, see below .

*² UN-SDG Goal 4:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
4.2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education
4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture”s contribution to sustainable development
4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
4.c By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States

*³ “economist”, 22.05.2021: The covid-19 pandemic could be ended by mid-2022, if donor countries were willing to cough up a combined $50bn, according to the International Monetary Fund. The sum is the estimated cost of vaccinating 60% of the world”s population. A pittance, compared with the $16trn that governments have already spent supporting people and businesses during the pandemic.

*4 GlobalOnomie Trilogy:
DE: AstronZeitOnomie, AstronRaumOnomie, AstronEffizienzOnomie Or:
GB: AstronTimeOnomy, AstronSpaceOnomy, AstronEfficiencyOnomy

*5 We have invented the FORMULAS of TIME, SPACE, DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY, DYNAMIC RELATIVITY, … – and thus solved the mysteries around “DARK MATTER” (23% of the previously unknown forces: Why don’t the planets circulate around their stars faster than they should be able to?) and “DARK ENERGY” (72% of the previously unknown forces: Why does the universe grow faster than theoretically possible?). We are now using all these insights and existing knowledge to optimize our world. See:

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